Page 127 of A New Dawn

Out of nowhere, a loud growl startles me. I turn and point my weapon in the direction of the noise. It grows louder the closer it comes. I have no idea what it is. Then I’m the one being circled… by a jaguar.

Fuck, where am I?

Coyotes? Jaguars?

Nothing looks familiar.

The jaguar proudly walks in slow circles around me, sizing me up. Does this beast truly believe I’m going to be his next meal? I break out into laughter… not going to happen. I raise my weapon and aim straight between its eyes… and pull the trigger.


I shoot up in my bed, reaching for my weapon on the nightstand. Listening intently for the slightest abnormality.

Only silence greets me. I could have sworn I heard a shot.

Then my dream comes back to me. How bizarre.

It’s unusual for me to dream anything, let alone something like that. What is going on?

I don’t know what possesses me, because I don’t believe in this shit, but I take my phone, typecoyote dream meaninginto the search bar and click on the first article.

Dreaming of being chased by coyotes.Nope.

Dreaming of howling coyotes.Nope.

Dreaming of running with coyotes.Bingo.Be careful about who you keep in your life. These individuals may end up betraying you and are dangerous to your overall well-being.

What individuals? Who is betraying me? Is there another mole? Is it Ella?

But wait, there’s more. I read on and my brows furrow.

Dreaming of killing a coyote—you may be falling victim to the lies and deceit of others. Instead of believing them, seek to find the truth. Don’t let them prey on your vulnerability.

Shit. A double whammy. Something about this rings true. Who the fuck is betraying me? Who would be so stupid?

Deceit… What is not as it seems? It could be anything. But for me to dream about it?


She’s my only weakness… my Achilles heel. Didn’t I tell her exactly that? But she wouldn’t betray me. So in regard to her, who would?

Who have I got on her case?

Uberto. But he is loyal to a tee. Plus, what would he gain? I pay him extremely well so he’s not tempted by other offers.

My crew in Austria and Switzerland? No, they wouldn’t dare. And there is no big player left to sell the information about Ella’s whereabouts to. Plus, I’m feared everywhere now for my explosive wrath should anyone be so stupid to cross me.

Who else is invested in finding Ella?

Rhia… no.

Freemont… maybe.


Are they playing me? They’re meant to be one of the best around, with worldwide connections, yet can’t seem to find Ella either. Except for that sighting in Austria. How did they come across that?

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for them to feed me false information. I’ve said all along, Ella must have help to hide. She could not do this on her own. My angel is clever, no doubt about it, but she hasn’t got the means to pull this off. She only had a few thousand Euros to spend, and they would have run out by now.