Page 12 of A New Dawn

I wonder what he’s doing right now. Has he returned to Sicily? Or is he on a wild goose chase looking for me? Hopefully, he’s following the breadcrumbs Gary and his team have been dropping.

I reach the lounge area where Aiden is waiting for me. He’s been watching me approach, his gaze admiringly sweeping up and down my body. It leaves a most unwelcome, tingling heat that awakens the critters in my abdomen.

His eyes seek mine as I sit down opposite him.

“Do you know only two percent of theworld’spopulation naturally has green eyes?” Aiden asks, as he studies me.

“Jeez, you really do like your random facts.”

And then I just can’t resist and throw in my own piece of useless information I once read. “When a person cries and the first drop of tears comes from the right eye, it’s happiness, and if it’s from left eye, it’s pain.” I raise an eyebrow at him triumphantly.

He looks surprised before a huge smile spreads over his handsome face. My stomach somersaults.

Oh, kill me now. My panties are melting right off me at the sight.

“Is that so? I have to watch more closely when someone is about to cry next. We’re at an airport… people are bound to shed a tear.”

I glance around, but there aren’t that many people in this private part of the airport. “Not sure you’ll have much luck with the business traveling kind,” I say drily. “Besides, isn’t there a jet waiting for us?”

“True. Follow me.”

I do and unfortunately get the perfect view of Aiden’s fine backside. His jeans hug him just right and, to my annoyance, my core clenches in appreciation.

No, no, no.

I close my eyes, wanting to erase the image. God help me!

Walls, Ella! Walls. Reinforce them now!

Before we get too far, Aiden stops and turns to me. “Did Miranda pack you a pair of sunglasses?” he asks, and I nod. “Time to put them on.”

Like all the pairs I’ve got since my escape, they’re oversized and cover a good portion of my face. This pair is trendy with its amber-colored lenses, and I like how everything is bathed in a happy orange glow.

We go through security without a hitch. With Aiden by my side, I’m not worried at all. Once my nerves around him have somewhat settled, he has a steadying influence on me.

Hmm, interesting.

I wonder what he does at Freemont Security. He seems alert at all times, and nothing goes unnoticed. Yet he’s also cool and collected; I doubt much ruffles him. Ah, maybe that’s what he has in common with Tiero.

We climb the stairs to the jet and are greeted by a flight attendant in her forties. She introduces herself as Amy as she shows us to our seats.

I was hoping Aiden would have some work to do and set himself up at the workstation I spotted at the back of the plane, but no such luck. He sits down opposite me, his warm eyes studying me.

“Would you like something to drink?” Amy asks.

As if on cue, Aiden opens his bag and pulls out a box of tea and hands it to her. Looking at me, he says, “If you’d like a cup of tea, I picked up some of the licorice tea you were drinking at the resort.”


I blink a few times, gaping at him. “How did you know it was licorice tea?”

“The label on the tea bag,” he replies matter-of-factly.

I blink some more.

Is he for real? He noticed that? How observant is this guy?

“I figured you must really like it to ask for it specifically. It’s not really your standard cup of tea now, is it?” He laughs at his joke, his warm brown eyes twinkling.