Page 107 of A New Dawn

If the way he kisses is anything to go by… yes, he would get that sainthood. And now I really want to find out.

Thankfully, the tension is broken when the waitress places our plates in front of us and we dig in heartily.

“You still haven’t answered my question about why you’re single,” I say.

“Right. I guess we got a little distracted.” He gives me his trademark cheeky grin. “I had one girlfriend back in high school, but that ended when she went off to college and I enlisted.”

“Did you love her?” I ask. Why, I have no idea.

“Obviously not enough to want to make a go of it,” he replies, cutting into his steak. “And when I was serving, I didn’t think it would be fair to a girl having to wait around, not knowing if I'd come back to start with or in what state.”

“But that didn’t stop Axel, did it?” From what I know of him and Shelby, they were together before the incident.

“No, it didn’t stop them. They were high school sweethearts. They were always mad about each other and wanted to make it work. So they did and still do. But I saw plenty of my Army friends’ relationships fail. And I never met a girl who rocked my world enough.”

“And after you left the Army?”

“I was too messed up to even look at girls. And when I came back from India, I focused on building a new career for myself. And, anyhow, I didn’t meet anybody interesting. Until recently, I’ve never met a woman I could see myself growing old with.” He stares at me, his eyes boring into mine. My awareness of the restaurant fades into nothing, and it’s just him and me. The tension from earlier rears its head again.

Is he saying he wants to grow old with me?

“I’d like to meet her sometime. She must be really something,” I tease.

Aiden just laughs. “She’s something all right. I think you’d like her. Just, she won’t want to get too close to you. She says she’s on the run from the mob.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


MyhearttumblesandI see stars for a moment. I close my eyes, needing to break this connection that’s rocking me to my core. But it’s a connection that’s made from more than just eye contact. It’s a connection I feel can’t be broken. It runs soul deep.

I swallow my trepidation.

He wants to grow old with mecontinues to echo in my entire being, setting me ablaze.

“I’ve got something for you,” Aiden says huskily, bringing me back from my thoughts.

He bends to get something from his bag and slides a velvety dark-blue box across the table.

Now, if his isn’t déjà vu! Though, this time I’m excited.

This isn’t a ring; the box is too big for that. So my curiosity is raised. My gaze connects with Aiden’s as I carefully lift the lid. Inside, on a bed of velvet, is a beautiful golden sunflower pendant necklace and two bracelets with the same sunflower charm; they’re beautiful.

“Aiden,” I gasp, bringing my hand to my chest.

“I saw it and I thought of you. The necklace pendant opens,” he tells me, taking it out of the box and handing it to me. I slide it apart.You are my sunshineit reads. My eyes lift to his and he’s smiling at me. “Well, you are my sunshine. From the moment we met.” Tears well up in my eyes.

“Now, before you get too emotional, I need to tell you something. I have an ulterior motive.”

I lean back in my chair, a little taken aback.

“Don’t be alarmed,” Aiden says, leaning forward and reaching for my hand, his warmth immediately suffusing me and calming my sudden anxiety.

How is it that his touch elicits different responses from my body depending on the situation. It’s something I’ll have to come back to.

“I’ve reviewed Gary’s and Lex’s plan to keep De Marco away from you. It’s a good plan and if all goes well, he will never find you. But to be on the safe side, we want to be able to locate you. This is not meant to be an invasion of your privacy, but a safety measure.”

“Okay.” I’m still not sure where he’s going with this. My confusion must show.