Page 97 of Sicilian Sunset

Rhia smirks. “You lost your head with Eero, too. Does he kiss better than him? He was your benchmark, right?”

Aww… Eero. Now he was the epitome of a nice guy. And he could kiss! If only I hadn’t been in a relationship with Marco… fireworks could have gone off.

“Yeah, Eero set the bar high, but Gualtiero De Marco easily smashed it.”

“Then don’t hold out on me, El. I had a long day. You’ve got the glow that tells me a lot more than just kissing happened. I want details.” Rhia stomps her foot, and I’m reminded of when she used to throw temper tantrums as a teenager.

“Hmm, let me think…” Tapping my finger against my lips, I gaze at the sky as if contemplating. I’m really enjoying having her at my mercy.

“Arggghh, Ella! If you don’t spill right this minute, I’ll tickle you till you can’t breathe,” she threatens.

“Okay, okay.” I raise my arms up in surrender and grin at her.

“In the history of my entire sex life, I’ve never had so many orgasms in one day. I’m sore everywhere, and I don’t think I can walk straight,” I tell her, laughing, which makes my sore bits more noticeable.

“However, that won’t stop me from doing it all over again tomorrow.” I beam at her, and she chuckles.

“I knew you had it in you. You just needed the right guy to do it with. Did I not tell you this Italian stud would deliver?!” She’s bouncing in her chair in excitement, looking very pleased with herself. “Come on, give me the juicy details.”

Before I can tell her anything, there’s a knock on the door. “Must be Dr. Agosti. The bruising to my inner thigh is much worse this time,” I say cheekily.

“Very funny,” Rhia sticks out her tongue at me. “This will be our food. About time… I’m starving.” Rhia jumps up and lets in two servers, who push a trolley each to the balcony.

“How much food did you order?” I ask, astonished.

“Lots,” she smirks. “I told you I’m hungry, and I’m sure you must be too, after exercising all afternoon.” She blows me a sassy kiss when I roll my eyes at her.

Then there’s another knock, and a new server walks in with an ice bucket and a bottle of champagne.

“We didn’t order that,” Rhia says.

“Compliments of Signor De Marco,” he replies.

Aww.That’s so sweet of him.

But how did he know we were eating in? Perhaps he instructed the hotel to leave the champagne in our room, whether or not we were here?

The servers leave, and Rhia lets out a whistle when she reads the label.

“Wow. It’s the really good stuff. You must have delivered the goods,” she teases and then adds, “He’s very thoughtful, isn’t he?”

“That he is. He’s been spoiling me.” I point to the earrings he gave me earlier.

They’re truly gorgeous, understated but sophisticated… exactly how I like my jewelry, and I’m certain the quality is peerless, too.

“Wow, Ella, they’re beautiful. The color is amazing. Did he give them to you before or after the deed?”

“After… I tell you what, though, I was about to have a heart attack when he pulled out a little square velvet box… my brain totally misfired.”

We both laugh so hard at the thought of Tiero proposing we need to cradle our stomachs.

“Give him a few more days,” Rhia says through tears. “By the end of the week, he just might.”

“Don’t even joke about that. I’m fighting a losing battle not to get attached here.”

We fill our plates with pasta and seafood salads but hardly make a dent in the abundance of what Rhia ordered. Munching away, I fill Rhia in on the details, and we swoon together about the hotness that is Gualtiero De Marco.

“You know, casual sex is healthy,” Rhia says without blinking. Given her wild past, of course she’d tell me this.