Page 96 of Sicilian Sunset

Goosebumps run down my body, and the fire in my core is lit again.

Haven’t I had enough for one day?

“You’re insatiable,” I whisper back.

“Only with you, cuore mio… only with you.”

I’m not sure I believe him. He still strikes me as a player… a very generous one, but a player nevertheless.

Despite my best efforts, I feel myself growing more and more attached to him. All this lavish attention is sweeping me off my feet.

I need to put some boundaries in place… and quickly.

After one last lingering kiss, I open the door to my room and disappear inside, falling against it with a huge grin as soon as it closes behind me.

Wowsers, what a day!

Rhia is where I left her this morning, sitting at her desk, reading through documents on her laptop. She glances up when she hears the door.

“Is it dinnertime already?” She seems surprised, clearly lost in her work. Nothing else exists for Rhia when she gets in the zone, and she becomes unstoppable.

“Have you been sitting in front of this thing all day?”

“Yep, and it’s going well,” she says, her focus going back to her screen. “Let me save this, and then I’m all yours.”

“Cool… I’ll just change into something else. Where do you want to go tonight?”

I wait for her response while I study her. She looks ruffled, her hair tied up in a messy bun, and her lower lip is puffy from biting it too much. She does that when she concentrates too hard.

“You probably never thought you’d hear me say this, but how about we stay in and have dinner on the terrace with our amazing view? It’s the last time I get to see it, and I want to make the most of it.”

“Works for me.” I smile at her. “I’ll change into something comfy then.”

I’m glad Rhia wants to stay in tonight. The thought of getting dressed up is too tiring to contemplate.

I go to my room and change into my sleeping shorts and singlet. When I get back to Rhia, she’s already on the phone, ordering what sounds like a wide selection of foods. I raise an eyebrow at her. “You’re hungry by any chance? How many people are you planning on feeding?”

“Just us. I’m starving. I haven’t eaten all day.” No surprise there.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. I leave you alone for a few hours, and you stop looking after yourself. Are you sure I can send you home alone?”

“Ha, ha, you’re hilarious.” She scowls at me.

We take a seat on the balcony, quiet for a moment, enjoying the sound of the waves crashing below and the sparkling stars above. The moon is illuminating the surface of the water, making it shimmer like molten silver in the half-light. Contentment settles over me, and I smile, if only to myself.

“Are you really going to make me ask?” Rhia breaks the silence.

“Ask what?” I pretend I have no idea what she’s talking about. I bite my lip to stop myself from smirking from one ear to the other. She gives me a stern look and raises an eyebrow, waiting.

“Fine. What do you want to know?”

Rhia rolls her eyes. “Everything… of course.”

“Well… we kissed.”

“Is that all?!” Rhia looks disappointed.

“Don’t knock it. The man can kiss. I completely lose my head.”