Page 93 of Sicilian Sunset

Fuck, I can’t wait to be a father!

I want a whole brood with her, at least six. Of course, they’ll be mainly boys because De Marco men have never failed to produce heirs. But I wouldn’t mind a daughter or two, especially if they look like my angel.

If I had my way, I’d find Father Joseph and get married today. But if the past week has taught me anything, it’s that I can’t rush her, or she’ll get skittish and try to run away.

I’ve never had to work so hard to take a woman to bed, but the wait has been more than worth it.

Women usually fall at my feet, and the ones who don’t are quickly won over by my charm. But the goddess in my arms kept resisting despite her attraction to me.

She stuck to her guns, insisting that vacation flings are not for her. It’s one of the many things I love about her. Little does she know this isn’t a casual tryst. It never was. This is as serious as it gets.

Security around her will need to be tight. I frown at the thought, studying my sleeping angel. She can no longer go anywhere on her own.

How will I break this to her? I suspect she’ll fight me on it, but this is non-negotiable.

For the time being, my men will have to remain hidden. I ponder which of them will be best suited for the job. She’s my treasure, and I will guard her as such.

Everything will need to be in place by the time news breaks in my circles. There can’t be any slip-ups.

My enemies likely know already about her. We’ve been out in public twice, and I was affectionate with her. Rumors will be circulating, putting us even more under the microscope.

People of my rank and line of work don’t show emotion, be it fear, concern, or desire. It shows a vulnerability that will be used against me, putting everything at risk. I’ve never been so foolish, but with Ella… it feels unnatural not to touch her. The need to stake my claim, to let everyone know she’s mine, is overpowering.

For the moment, it might just be speculation, but once I move her into my house, the news will spread like wildfire. And they will celebrate. At last, they’ll have found a weakness in me.

I’ll double my efforts to show she’s theonlyweakness I have and that I’m still the ice-cold and ruthless bastard they know.

I loathe that Ella is going to turn into a target for their games in order to get to me. And there’ll be plenty who’ll try—Niccolo Molinaro most of all.

I must locate him and take care of him. He’s too much of a loose cannon. So far, he’s been lucky in avoiding us. He’s tripled his security, making it near impossible to get close, but I’ll find a way. It all comes down to the right bait.

While to observers, Ella may seem to make me weaker, internally, I feel stronger with her in my life. It sounds like a cliché, but I truly believe with Ella by my side, I can face anything and come out the winner.

I have a few days left to make her fall deeper for me… because she is falling in love with me. The way she looks at me, and the way I affect her whenever we’re close, give her away.

And this last time, when I was buried deep inside her… our worlds merged profoundly. A delightful shiver runs through me at the memory.

With her friends gone, spending time with her will be a lot easier. I can’t wait to have her all to myself.

And once I’ve given her what’s inside the little blue box hidden in my bedside table, I’ll be a step closer to ensuring she stays mine.

Chapter Twenty


I’msplayedoverTiero’sbody, sated and sleepy.

Despite our siesta, I’m still tired. Not a surprise, given the day’s activities. I haven’t worked out that hard in years.

Tiero’s hand gently caresses up and down my back. I lift my head off his warm chest and peek out to sea.

“What time is it? It looks like the sun is setting.” The sky is turning beautiful shades of reds and pinks. “We need to head back, or I’ll miss dinner with Rhia.”

“What if I don’t want to let you go?” Tiero asks as he rolls on top of me, pinning me beneath him.

I laugh. “You have no say in it.” Pecking him on his big, kissable lips, I add, “You’ll just have to learn to share me… at least for tonight,” I tease.

“Princess, I never share.” He peppers kisses down the side of my neck, and for the umpteenth time today, my arousal is fired off. I need to get out of bed, or this is starting all over again.