Page 68 of Sicilian Sunset

“Let’s assume this is a fling. How do I not get my heart entangled? Before Lex, how did you do it?”

She regards me closely, and I can almost see the wheels in her brain turn.

“Here’s the thing,” Rhia begins carefully. “I’m well aware I’m pushing you to have more fun. You’re not into casual sex and that’s cool, but you’re twenty-six and entering the flowery fields of your sexual prime,” she winks, smirking. “But you live like a nun and tend an austere garden.”

“Rhia, my garden isn’t austere. I enjoy my flowers,” I interrupt her.

“Yes, you do, and it’s important to enjoy your body by yourself. But human touch, other than from your massage therapist, is vital. Don’t starve yourself of it. You can’t tell me you don’t want more than your own hand or a dildo in your pussy. Don’t you crave feeling the warmth of a body pressed against yours? Hands and lips exploring your body? A hard dick filling you just right?”

I remain silent as the images she’s painting take over my mind.

It’s Tiero’s hands I see, stroking my body… Tiero’s lips taking my mouth and gliding over every inch of my skin… Tiero’s cock entering me, stretching me, filling me up.

My pussy clenches in response, my muscles squeezing the void. I let out a frustrated sigh, pressing my legs together to quench my building arousal.

“Your face gives you away,” Rhia continues, unperturbed. “El, you didn’t come to this earth to deny your desires. You came here to give them life. Don’t feel guilty for wanting Tiero just because it won’t lead to a committed relationship. I’m not trying to change your personality here, but how far have your insecurities gotten you? Just go into this with your eyes open and go home with no regrets.

“You’re here to enjoy yourself, live to the fullest… remember it’s what inspired this trip in the first place. You desire that man. It’s written all over you. Let go of your inhibitions for once and enjoy him.”

I let Rhia’s words sink in and mingle with my own. For a while, we say nothing and just soak up the sun.

“I hear what you’re saying,” I finally speak. “And you’re right. When I’m with Tiero, all I want to do is climb him like a tree… And I’m sure sex with him would be amazing. My position on one-night stands isn’t all that’s holding me back, though.

“I don’t know how to best describe it, Rhi. My reactions to him are really unsettling. He looks at me, and I melt. I get a whiff of his aftershave, and my pheromones go into overdrive. And when he touches even the smallest part of me, electricity zings through me. But it’s not even about my physical response to him.

“It’s this weird connection to him—it scares me. He’s touched a part of me I didn’t realize existed. It probably sounds crazy, but it’s like I’ve known him forever, yet he’s a complete stranger to me… And I know what you’re going to say about past lives… yada yada yada… so don’t,” I pause to gather my thoughts while Rhia remains silent, giving me space to formulate what’s going on in my head.

“Something in my gut tells me to stay away. I’m well aware it could just be fear… it probably is. But here is the thing. If I sleep with him, I’ll automatically lower my defenses and let him penetrate me, literally and figuratively. And he’ll embed himself even more than he already has in only three days. This vacation will come to an end. That’s as unavoidable as the sun setting this afternoon. The last thing I need is a tangled up, broken heart, and a mind obsessed with a man I can’t have.”

Rhia has no comeback for that. She nods in acknowledgment, letting me know she’s heard me. We lean back in our chairs, the atmosphere more solemn than before.

That changes when Zoe bounces back onto the terrace, spinning, and singing.

Rhia frowns at her. “What’s up with you?”

“Romeo just invited me to go to Tuscany with him and Mateo for a few days. They’ve got business there and want me to come along,” she tells us happily.

“So you’re leaving then?” Rhia asks, a little annoyed, peeking over the rim of her sunglasses at her sister.

“Damn straight I am. I won’t say no to these hunks. I want to see what else they have in store for me.” She rubs her hands gleefully and does another pirouette on the spot.

“So much for coming on a trip with us,” Rhia mumbles.

“Oh, sis. You know me. I like to be spontaneous.” She gives her sister an exaggerated kiss on the cheek and dances back inside, pulling out her suitcase.

“Wow. She’s not wasting any time, is she?” I say, watching her.

Rhia growls in her direction, shaking her head. “No. She isn’t. Why did she want to come with us in the first place?”

“I think the lure of Italian men might have had something to do with it,” I say, smirking. “Hey sweets, cheer up. It’s not like we’ve seen much of Zoe, anyway. I know you wanted to bond with her, and she’ll get there eventually, but she’s just not there yet. She needs to do some maturing first.”

“That she does,” Rhia agrees. “Ah well, it’s back to just you and me. Can’t say I mind that.”

I smile at her. I like that thought very much.

“Let’s have dinner tonight, just the two of us,” I suggest.

It’s the perfect excuse to take a break from Tiero. Things are getting too intense, and I might not be able to resist him if I spent any more time with him.