Page 56 of Sicilian Sunset

“Well, you know how I am with shoes. Besides, it’s not that many... only about twenty.”

“Twenty pairs of shoes?! For a two-week vacation?! You’re unbelievable, Rhia.” I laugh at her, but secretly I’m glad she always packs for all occasions. It means I can carry less while she drags heavy suitcases behind her.

“Yes, I am,” she replies proudly. “And you’re the lucky recipient. So don’t laugh at me. You know, I always need to have the right shoe for the right dress.”

“Really? That comes as complete news to me,” I tease.

Rhia’s love of shoes has been growing over the years. Where ordinary people have a shoe rack, maybe even a shoe cupboard, she now has a shoe room. Yes, an entire room for her shoe collection.

It’s her dream come true. It’s like her art collection, and if you ever want to make her day, buy her a new pair of expensive heels. Lex learned that early on. Although it’s increasingly difficult to keep track of what she’s already got.

I step to the mirror and study myself. My unruly hair is straightened to within an inch of its life and falls beautifully around my face and shoulders. My makeup is natural, just highlighting my eyes and lips. Wow, even I’m impressed. I do look rather excellent.

I run my fingers over the blue dress, the soft fabric hugging my figure flawlessly.

“Your eyes are like sparkling sapphires in this dress,” Rhia says. “I’m so glad I brought it.”

“I feel sexy in it.”

“That’s because you are. If you don’t knock his socks off in this, then I don’t know what will.”

“Why are you so invested in this, Rhi?” I ask as I rub the fabric of the dress over my thighs.

“I just sense something big. And I'm not talking about his appendage. Even though, I'm sure that's impressive. I want to see you let loose and enjoy yourself. You never know where this could lead.

“Gosh, Ella, yesterday the tension between you and Tiero was so thick, I needed a machete to slice it... That’s how palpable it was.” She makes a slicing motion with her arm.

“Be open to this and see what adventures will come your way,” she implores, looking so earnest in her request.

“That doesn’t include sleeping with him, though,” I insist.

Rhia lets out an exasperated sigh. “Why on earth not? He’s sinfully hot, you’re attracted to him like no other before, and I can just tell he’ll give you a night you’ll never forget.”

I know she only wants what’s best for me, but it’s coming from a completely different starting point. She’s sexually free and daring, and I’m just not wired that way.

“Rhia, I hear what you’re saying,” I mock good-naturedly with this classic relationship counseling line. “And you’re right with all of it, but you seem to forget you’re talking to me, Ella Rose O’Neil, the woman who to be comfortable enough to jump into bed with a man...” I interrupt myself, tapping my finger against my lower lip in a thinking gesture. “No, jump is totally the wrong word... The woman who, to be comfortable enough to sleep with a man, needs to know him for at least a few weeks, needs to know we’re somewhat compatible and who needs to feel safe enough with him to take the next step.”

Rhia groans in frustration. “Fuck comfortable! Fuck security! Where has it gotten you?! For once in your life, let loose and live life to the fullest!

“The chemistry between you and Tiero is intense. Don’t waste it. It’s rare! I should know, given how many guys I’ve been with.”

There’s no point arguing with her. So I pull her in for a hug instead.

“How do I look?” she asks when we pull apart.

She’s freaking hot in her silver mini dress. “Tiero might not be the only one knocked off his socks tonight,” I state the obvious. “Lex is a very lucky man. Even if he only gets the pleasure of your company on a screen.”

“It won’t stop us having fun,” she says with glee in her eyes. “I can’t wait for him to finish this job and come home. I miss him terribly.”

“It won’t be long now. And at least, I get more of you in that time,” I tell her.

Rhia takes my hand, looking at me imploringly. “Just go with the flow, okay?”

“We’ll see.”

It’s all I’m willing to commit to.

It’s eight o’clock on the dot when the knock on my door announces Tiero’s arrival loud and clear. My heart jumps in anticipation, and those damned butterflies are partying ferociously in my stomach again.