Page 46 of Sicilian Sunset

As I listen to them, it becomes clear. I suspect neither the main security guy, who left our little party right after we reached my room, nor Tiero speak the language. And they don’t know I do.

Their accent is strong and I presume they come from the part of Italy close to the Austrian border where German is spoken.

“Ich wette, der gute Doktor sieht ihre Muschi vorm Chef,” goon one says.

“Nein, das lässt er nie zu. Hast du gesehen, wie er sie anschaut? Er lässt da keinen ran… nicht mal einen Arzt,” the other one counters, laughing.

“Wieviel willst du wetten?” goon three asks.


They’re making bets whether the doctor will see my pussy before Tiero? No wonder they don’t want to be overheard.

Apparently, they’ve noticed how Tiero looks at me and goon two is convinced Tiero is too possessive to even let a doctor see my private parts.

I’ll be damned, but thisisfunny. It’s something Rhia and I would do. Who would have thought these scary dudes have a sense of humor?

I’m tempted to call out, “Ich wette mit… I’ll bet too.”

Given I can influence the outcome, it’s my kind of bet. But I behave. Who knows what useful information I can glean from them if they think no one can understand them.

Tiero re-enters the room and goes straight to the door, saying to me, “Dr. Agosti is on the way up.”

Finally. Perhaps I will survive the night after all.

The guards fall silent as soon as Tiero opens the door. He pays them no attention as he waits for the doctor to walk down the corridor and then ushers him inside, talking to him in Italian the entire time.

“The door,” I say to Tiero, motioning for him to close it. I don’t need an audience.

“Chiudi la porta,” he commands gruffly, and goon number one springs into action.

Tiero sits down on the other side of the bed while introducing the man who entered the room. At a guess, he’s in his forties, with silver streaks through his otherwise ebony hair. He looks fit for his age and has kind eyes.

“Ella, this is my personal physician, Dr. Agosti. He’ll examine you. He’s brought an antivenom along he can give you if needed.”

What a relief! I’m glad he’s so well prepared. Maybe these spider bites are quite common.

I’m still shaking the doctor’s hand when Tiero lifts my dress only high enough for the bite site to be exposed.

What the?

I could have done that.

I’m pretty sure I’m a bright shade of pink as I stare at Tiero in surprise.

Was goon two right? Is Tiero worried about the doctor seeing too much? His security saw far more when it first happened.

Tiero’s gaze is focused on the doctor, who inspects the bite closely… not seeing one inch of my pussy, I might add.

Yay, I would have won the bet.

Tiero is holding my hand and not shy about having a closer look himself.

God, this is mortifying and so not how I imagined he would get intimately acquainted with my nether regions.

I wish I could pull a blanket over my head until this is all over.

Dr. Agosti prods and pokes the affected area carefully, but I still wince… it really hurts. Sweat beads on my forehead, and I try to wipe it away discretely.