Page 33 of Sicilian Sunset

Taking my elbow and pulling me towards himself, Tiero glowers at his sibling. “Don’t talk about me as if I wasn’t standing right next to you, little brother,” he says sarcastically. “I’m quite capable of speaking for myself.”

That makes us all laugh, and Mateo steps aside, clapping his brother good-naturedly on the shoulder. They look at each other, and something passes between them, Mateo giving Tiero an almost imperceptible nod.

Hmm, interesting. What's that all about?

Before I can analyze any of this, Rhia nudges me gently.

Right. Where are my manners?

I point at the girls and introduce them. “This is my best friend Rhia and her sister Zoe.”

Zoe is blushing. What? I’ve never seen her blush or get nervous around guys—ever. What’s going on today? Perhaps all things are truly opposite tonight.

“This is our friend, Romeo,” Mateo introduces the third Italian god.

“Romeo?” Rhia asks, winking at me. “Do you do voice overs?” she asks sheepishly.

Ever since our Scotland trip, we change all our navigation app voices to one with a delicious Italian lilt. It’s aptly named Romeo.

Tiero’s friend smiles cheekily. “No, but perhaps I should. It’s nice to meet you all.” He steps closer and kisses Rhia and Zoe’s cheeks, but shakes my hand when he gets to me. Hmm, okayyyy.

Other than holding my hand, Tiero hasn’t offered the same type of greeting, which seems unusual in this over-friendly country, and I can’t help but wonder why. I look at Rhia, who’s also noticed but shrugs her shoulders.

Some small talk ensues, and I quietly observe our little group. Rhia’s eyes are twinkling, and I know she’s enjoying Romeo’s sound. My bestie has a thing for sexy voices. Years ago, she even had to change gynaecologists, because she got turned on too much by her good doctor’s deep timbre.

Not surprisingly, Zoe is completely taken by the guys and smiles flirtatiously, especially at Mateo. He’s easily as good looking as Gualtiero. A few inches shorter and cleanly shaven, he appears less intimidating. If my first impression of Mateo is correct, he’s more easy-going than his brother.

I tear my eyes away from Mateo and study Romeo. He has the classical Italian look, and it’s clear he works out a lot. His shoulders are broad, and his muscles are straining.

All three of them are gorgeous. I wonder how often they go out together. I pity all the women they come across. They probably all dissolve into puddles of lust at the mere sight of them.

Observing everyone else for the last few minutes has given me an excuse not to stare at the man who’s standing so close to me. He unnerves me like no other.

I dare a look at Gualtiero, who’s been watching me silently the entire time. The intensity of his gaze makes my stomach flip, and a new kaleidoscope of butterflies is doing their best to create the perfect storm in my abdomen.

With a boldness I didn’t know I possess, I stare right back, taking Gualtiero in. The top two buttons of his shirt are undone, giving me a peek of his tanned skin. My fingers itch to unbutton his shirt further, to see what else is underneath. Given the heat in Gualtiero’s eyes, I have no doubt that if I wanted to, I’d have an excellent shot at peeling off all his clothes.

The thought makes me feel powerful, and the seductress within me, who has been dormant for at least a hundred years, stirs to life. Who knew I had Sleeping Beauty inside me? Is Tiero the prince who will kiss her awake?Ugh, that thought makes me nervous again.

Channel Opposite Ella, I chime to myself.

“Shall we go?” I suggest to everyone, quickly grabbing my clutch and room key. We head to the door, and Mateo holds it open for us to step through and then closes it.

Two guards are waiting by the elevator. Rhia and I look at each other in surprise but say nothing. When the elevator arrives, our little group steps in, followed by the stern-looking security details. Both are wearing ear pieces, and I wonder who they’re in touch with, who gives the instructions. And why is all of this security necessary in the first place?

Who are you, Gualtiero De Marco?

It’s clear he oozes power. The meaning of his name comes to mind… powerful ruler… but what is he ruling?

I’m undecided whether to be flattered such a man is interested in little old me or scared of what it would mean to be associated with someone like him. Perhaps it’s both.

A slight unease settles over me again, a sense of knowing that I’m in way over my head, that it would be best to stay far, far away.

Too late for that now.

I peek over at Zoe and Rhia, who both beam with excitement.

Live a little.Rhia’s words echo in my mind.