Page 29 of Sicilian Sunset

This morning too, when we left, there wasn’t another soul around, while the previous day this floor was pumping with activity the entire time.

Hmm, they must be all out exploring.

We slide in the key cards to our rooms and I open my door… and stop dead in my tracks.

Can this be real?

Not sure if I’m seeing right, I blink a few times… but what’s before me doesn’t change. Taking a step back, I check the room number.

407… definitely the right room.

I enter slowly, in awe of the sight in front of me.

My doubts about dinner are momentarily forgotten, when I’m greeted by not one, not two, but three gigantic bouquets of my favorite flowers.


There’s only one person who would have sent these.

How on earth did he know what my favorite flowers are?

You’d think a guy would go for classical, foolproof red or pink roses, but not this man.

What I find in my room are some of the most splendid lilies I’ve ever seen. With a goofy grin on my face, I walk over to admire them.

There’s a vase of spectacular and rare Blue Heart lilies. I’ve only ever seen pictures of this bloom with its blue buds and blue-veined white flowers. They remind me of a sunny summer ocean.

How did he know?!

Was he looking for a rare species to impress me with? Surely, he couldn’t have known how much I love these particular lilies.

The other two bouquets are just as magnificent. One of them has Royal Sunset Lilies bursting with vibrant colors, and the other the more traditional pink Stargazer Lilies. Half stunned, I search for a card. With shaking hands, I open the little golden envelope.

‘Ella, I hope you had a wonderful day exploring this great island I call home. I’m looking forward to our dinner tonight. Tiero.’


Tiero rolls off the tongue much easier than Gualtiero. It sounds happier, less intimidating. I like it. I like it a lot.

The interconnecting door to Rhia’s room opens, and she walks through, about to say something, but she freezes at the sight of all the flowers.

“Wow,” she says in awe, “Just wow.”

“I know, right?”

“I’ve never seen so many flowers in one place… except at a flower shop.” She comes to stand beside me and takes Tiero’s note from me.

“He really has it bad for you, El.”

We stand there for a moment in silence, taking in the splendor.

“How does he know lilies are your favorite flower? Did you tell him?”

I shake my head. “Nope. When would I have told him? I’ve been asking myself the same question. What are the chances of this being a lucky guess? Especially with the Blue Heart lilies?”

“Where did he even find those? Aren’t they as rare as rocking horse shit?”

“Yep,” I answer, still in awe, “I’ve never seen one in real life.”