Page 25 of Sicilian Sunset

“Your sex life is boring as hell,” Zoe admonishes.

“What sex life?” Rhia asks.

“Hey, I thought you’re on my side now that you know the difference between mere sex and making love.”

“I am on your side. One hundred percent. Always. No matter what,” she reassures me. “Which is why I want to see you let loose and live life to the fullest in the horizontal department… until you find your forever man. I’m not a fan of your nun-like existence.”

I ignore her.

“What have you got to show for all your efforts of not sleeping around?” Zoe asks.

Gosh, are those two ganging up on me tonight? It’s nice that they’re finally bonding over something, but does it have to be at my expense?

“Two two-year long relationships that fell apart when your douchebag boyfriends put themselves first and took promotions abroad,” Rhia answers for me.

Ouch… I hate thinking about Don and Marco and the way things ended. It’s made me wary of entering a new relationship, paranoid that history could repeat itself.

The few times I went on a date, I interrogated the poor guy about his career ambitions and ties to Dublin. Does he have plans to move anytime soon? Where does he see himself in five years? Children, yes or no?

Naturally, that kind of questioning wasn’t appreciated, and my dates ran the other way. Who could blame them? I probably would have done the same, but I wanted to know without having to invest weeks to find out.

As there was no chemistry with any of the guys, it was no big loss. None of them evoked even an ounce of the emotions Gualtiero managed to pull out of me in mere seconds.

Gualtiero… his hazel-brown eyes haunt me, their intensity stealing my breath even just thinking of him.

Is this normal?

I stare out onto the sea. The sky is tinged orange with the setting sun.

What if Rhia is right and there is something special going on between us? Would I regret not exploring it? And what if things turned out okay, just like they did for Rhia and Lex?

Could I live in Sicily? I’d have to learn Italian. Oh God, what am I thinking? I’m turning as nuts as Rhia.

“Earth to Ella.” Rhia taps me on the shoulder before slinging an arm around me. “You’ve been thinking of Gualtiero, haven’t you? You’ve got this faraway look again.”

I shrug my shoulders. What’s the point of denying it? Rhia knows me too well.

“Yeah. He’s kind of hard to get out of my head.”

I turn around to see Zoe has made herself comfortable on the lounge inside, flipping through the television channels. I must have zoned out longer than I thought.

“Honestly, El. Give it a go. What have you got to lose?”

Everything... if I let him into my heart, I could lose everything.

“I won’t do casual, Rhi. That’s a heartbreak waiting to happen and I’m over those. All I want is my forever love. My biological clock is ticking.”

“You’re only twenty-six. You have heaps of time.”

“Not really. You know that my life plan sees me married with kids before I turn thirty. And I want to spend a few years with my man before having babies. So you see, I ought to find him soon.”

Just where do I find Mr. Right?

Gualtiero’s image flashes before my eyes again.

No, no, no. Go away.

I need to find my forever love at home. That’s where my life is. That’s where I want to be.