Page 23 of Sicilian Sunset

“Just because we’re in Sicily and the man seems to be a rich Italian with bodyguards, doesn’t make him a mafioso. Stereotyping much?! That would be like saying, just because you’re a blonde, you’re dumb. You’ve clearly read too many mafia novels!” Rhia exclaims, her blood pressure raised.

“Jeez. Cool your jets, tiger.” I raise my hands in mock surrender. “One could think I insulted you.” I’m a little surprised by her outraged response.

“Sorry. You know how I feel about pigeonholing people,” she says, her tone softer again. “Come on, El. Live a little.”

Leave it to Rhia to filter out only the exciting bits in any situation, oblivious to anything else. Like so many times in the past, though, her excitement is infectious. It erodes any concerns. By the end, I usually can’t remember what made me hesitate. And when all is said and done, we’ve always had a great time and I have to listen to her gloating‘told you so’.

I need to bring her somewhat back to reality, though, or she’ll explode with possibilities of what ifs.

“You do remember, it’s just dinner? We’re not going on an adventure tour exploring the hot lava reservoirs of Mount Etna.”

Have I just agreed to this dinner, after all?

“There’s plenty of hotness to be had with that man,” she says enthusiastically. “It starts with dinner. Then see where it leads.”

Cocking her head to the side, she adds, “Gosh, the way he was looking at you was melting my panties! Where is Lex when I need him? I’m horny as hell.”

The memory brings back the butterflies in full force, my abdomen twirling and buzzing.

“He turned my brain to mush. Which is exactly why I should avoid him. I can’t think clearly when I’m around him. I’m only going to make a fool of myself.”

“No, you won’t. Remember the Seinfeld episode when George did the opposite to what he’d normally do? That’s going to be you tomorrow night, you’ll play Opposite Ella. Say yes, when you would normally say no. Be touchy feely when you normally would hold back.”

Rhia is on a roll now, and I know better than to interrupt her. She has got a gigantic smile on her face and it’s infectious.

“Here is how I see this playing out. You’ll walk into this restaurant with your head held high like you own the place, oozing confidence and sensuality. You’ll be embracing this adventure… bold, beautiful, sexy as hell, yet still radiating grace and femininity.”

She really has this all worked out in her head—I love this girl with all her exuberance.

“This is your opportunity to try on different shoes, to do things you normally wouldn’t. Nobody knows you here. You can be wild and unencumbered. A confident bitch who is unashamed to take what she pleases.”

Hmm, sounds intriguing. Perhaps she’s onto something here. What if this is my opportunity to let loose? I’ve always dreamed of walking into a place and owning it. Bask in the attention rather than shying away from it.

Could I pull this off?

Gualtiero seems like the right partner in crime for that kind of adventure.

“All right,” I accept with newly discovered enthusiasm. “Let’s go shopping in the morning. Opposite Ella will need a dress that Normal Ella would never wear, sexy as hell yet still graceful and sophisticated,” I say with a wink.

Rhia claps her hands. “That’s my girl!”

“Does that mean you’ll be opposite Rhia too? All demure and a little shy?” I tease.

“God, no! Not a chance.”

We’re back at our hotel and about to open Rhia’s room door when the elevator pings down the corridor and Zoe strides out wearing only a green bikini and a light sarong wrapped around her hips that does nothing to hide what’s beneath. She’s clearly been to the pool, her wet, red hair dripping down her body.

“Oh my God, this hotel rocks. You two sure know how to pick the good ones,” she says as she walks closer. “I thought you hit the jackpot with the place in Palermo, but this one is even better.”

Until this morning, Rhia and I—and sometimes Zoe—explored the Sicilian west coast and stayed in a quirky little hotel in Palermo.

We enjoy unique places and were so excited when we found that one. It had Vespas artfully displayed throughout—even our suite had a few craftily built into the décor.

The owners, Gabriella and Sergio, were another bonus. In their early thirties and super friendly, they welcome their guests with warm hugs and a bottle of red wine… and lots of insider advice about where to go and what to do around the area. Thanks to them, we explored many things not mentioned in our guidebook and had the best of times.

Their place normally books out months ahead, and we only scored because someone cancelled their suite only minutes before we found the hotel. And it just so happened to have three bedrooms—what are the odds? I guess the stars were aligning, this vacation destined to be.

“I’m so glad you approve,” Rhia replies with a little sarcasm in her voice. “This place is expensive enough.”