Page 3 of Sicilian Sunset

What an amazing place!

The entire city is perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. Its charm is drawing us in like an ice cream stall on a scorching hot day. It’s buzzing with tourists who, just like us, seem taken with this quaint city.

“Is Zoe back from her wild night out?” I ask Rhia.

Her sister, who is two years younger than us, has joined us on this trip. Mind you, we’ve seen little of her. Why she wanted to come along in the first place is anyone’s guess, because most of the time she does her own thing.

If ever I thought Rhia was wild before she met Lex, I was sorely mistaken. Zoe is putting her to shame. She’s like an errant teenager, unpredictable and uncontrollable—a combination guaranteed to bring trouble, and not just for her.

“Who knows? I didn’t check her room,” Rhia says, shrugging her shoulders. “You know, I was hoping Zoe and I would bond on this trip… it’s why I agreed for her to come along, but I think I have to face the fact that my sister and I will never be close.” Disappointment fills Rhia’s voice, and she looks defeated.

Her aunt’s death not only had me re-evaluate my life, but Rhia went through a reflective phase too. She realized how important family is to her and has been trying to get closer to her sister ever since.

“It’s too early to give up on her, Rhi. That’s not like you. Your determination is what sets you apart. It’s why you’re such a success. You’ve got this.”

I’m so proud of her. A year and a half ago, she set out on her own business venture and in this short time has grown RB Public Relations to employ three people. Her sloganReliable Brillianceis a promise she delivers on. A flourish of small boutique companies streams to her for help, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing any time soon. Being her own boss suits her—she’s never been happier. Though Lex has a lot to do with that too.

“I’m not so sure, El. Zoe has no interest in anyone but herself.”

“She’s only twenty-four. She’ll come around… eventually. Once she falls in love, she’ll calm down.”

“Can’t see that happening,” Rhia huffs.

“You used to say that. And now look at you.”

A wide grin nearly splits my bestie’s face. “Yes. Now look at me. Lex is my world. I can’t imagine ever being with another man.”

It’s my turn to smile broadly. I’m so flipping happy for her.

If onlymy manwould finally show up.

“There’s a park,” Rhia points to a patch of greenery surrounded by trees. “My feet are killing me. Let’s sit down for a bit.”

I roll my eyes at her. “You insisted on wearing heels. I keep telling you, sneakers are keepers.”

“Shush. The blasphemy. You know I only wear those things to exercise. And as far as heels go, these are flat. They’re only kitten heels.”

My shoe obsessed friend would never be seen in the ballerina flats I’m wearing. Since we hit puberty, she’s refused to wear anything without a heel.

“And so you suffer,” I tease.

We walk to a stone bench by the park entrance, but before I sit down, Rhia pulls me to a stop. “Let’s check the surface first. I don’t want you to sit on anything dangerous,” she says with a mischievous smile.

Immaturely, I stick out my tongue at her, but I scrutinize the seat anyway… just in case.

I blame Rhia for the curse that seems to follow me around.

It all started a few days after meeting her when we were both eight years old. After playing badminton in her garden, we needed a breather. While Rhia sat on the grass, I went to sit on a rock... just that it wasn’t. It was her pet turtle.

At Rhia’s screech, I shot up and went to sit next to her. Unfortunately, in that moment, her guinea pig, Priscila, ran from her hiding spot underneath the picnic basket and… my bum came down on her.

Miraculously, Priscila was unharmed, but my reputation as an animal sitter was born.

“Have you sat on anything lately?” Rhia asks. And with good reason, because I still do all too frequently.

Over the years, I’ve accidentally sat on many unsuspecting creatures. All, of course, by total accident. A hedgehog and two snakes were the more noteworthy ones. The latter were scary and sent me to emergency.

“You’d be the first to know if I had,” I say.