Page 1 of Sicilian Sunset

Chapter One


“Rapture.Haveyoueverfelt it?” I whisper into the warm morning air as I gaze up at the sky bathed in vibrant shades of orange, pink, and purple.

Deep contentment fills me.

This is magical.

It's one of the best sunrises I’ve seen in years. Admittedly, I don’t see many—I’m not an early morning person.

“Of course. Usually after an all-nighter with Lex,” my best friend Rhia replies softly, as if not wanting to disturb a soul.

Why are we whispering? We’re the only ones here.

“Hmm… that’s how I imagined it, too.”

Beside me, Rhia sighs. “It’s beyond me how you can go two years without sex. I sure couldn’t. You’re practically a virgin again.”

I roll my eyes at her, and she elbows me in the ribs. “Stop that. You know it annoys me.”

“Why do you think I keep doing it?” I deadpan, earning me a smack on the leg.

“Well, I feel rapturous now… even without getting sweaty between the sheets,” I say. “I guess you were right. This was worth getting out of bed for.”

It’s like the universe is putting on an extra spectacular show for us this morning to remind me just howfabulous it is to be alive.

Does it know I need this today?

Rhia finds my hand and squeezes it in silent support. A contented smile spreads across her face. “I’m always right,” she teases.

“Ha... you wish.” I glance over at her. The rays of the rising sun are illuminating her features, making her red locks glow like smoldering embers.

“You should have given Connor a chance. He asked you out three times.”

Rolling my eyes at her again, it’s me who's elbowing her this time. “That was eighteen months ago. How often are you going to bring this up?”

“Until you see the error of your ways.”

“I love your brother. Just not like that. Besides, even if I changed my mind, which I won’t, that ship has sailed. He's happy with his girl.”

“I still wanted it to be you,” Rhia says like a petulant child, making me laugh.

We fall silent then, and I stare back at the effervescent sky—a painter couldn’t have done a better job creating this.

I let the serenity of our surroundings infuse me. The only thing that could make this experience better would be a soft mattress. I shift uncomfortably on the hard boulder Rhia and I are lying on, wishing we had at least brought cushions.

“You know, Rhi, for the first time since the police knocked on my door six years ago, I feel at peace.

“At peace with where I’ve been, at peace with what I’ve been through, and at peace with where I’m headed.”

It’s been a long road to get to this point.

It's the anniversary of my parents’ death, and I will always remember that day all these years ago, but I’m not letting it rule my life anymore.

I shake my head to clear the memories. It’s too beautiful a moment to think about something so sad.

Realizing where my thoughts have wandered, Rhia sits up and pulls me in for a hug. "They're here with us, El," she whispers.