“It can vote now,” I say.
“Great,” Rhia replies sarcastically—she has no interest in politics.
“And get legally married without our consent,” I continue.
“Oh, and it can buy a lottery ticket and claim the prize,” Rhia suggests, threading her arm through mine as we walk on.
“That’s definitely important.” I nod, trying to be serious but fail miserably. Giggles break through the tension I’ve been holding, and it feels damn good to laugh.
“You know, it’s a good thing I appreciate you, because I was ready to kill you when you agreed to Gualtiero’s dinner invitation. Why would you do that? You read my mind most of the time. And it was clearly telling you to decline, as did my face!”
Rhia’s mischievous smile is back, and I scowl at her.
“This isn’t funny, Rhi. I don’t want to go out with Gualtiero De Marco,” I say, half panicking again.
“Why on earth not? You just told me how much the guy has rocked your world. And he’s clearly into you.”
She’s so excited about Gualtiero and the connection we shared. How can I make her understand my doubts when I don’t understand them myself? There are too many thoughts and emotions swirling in me, brewing up a storm, and I can’t make any sense of it.
I see Gualtiero’s hazel-brown eyes in my mind—their intensity is breathtaking. It’s like he’s right here with me, calling me to him.
How is this possible?
I’ve never experienced insta-lust—at least not to the extent I did this afternoon when I was watching him.
And then when our eyes met…
Something shifted. Something big… like my life will never be the same again.
Good lord, what am I going to do?
What must he think of me? There’s no way he didn’t notice how dumbstruck I was. I’m mortified at my lack of coolness all over again.
My brain was fried in his presence, as if he chucked it on a grill that was burning too hot. It doesn’t fill me with confidence that I’ll be able to hold an intelligent conversation.
I can’t face him again.
How do I get out of this? There has to be a way.
Though, if I’m totally honest, part of me is thrilled someone as gorgeous and commanding as Gualtiero De Marco wants to spend time with me.
Under normal circumstances, I doubt our paths would have ever crossed. I don’t meet men like him—where would I? I don’t frequent nightclubs or bars where I assume guys like him hang out.
And even if I did, I doubt they’d notice me. Rhia, yes. She stands out with her fiery red hair alone, and her feisty personality has always drawn much attention. These days, with Lex in the picture, she ignores it rather than invites it. Zoe has taken over those reigns in glorious fashion.
Gualtiero hasn’t just invited me to dinner as a mere thank you, has he? The insane chemistry between us was palpable—surely, I didn’t imagine it.
I confess, I somewhat feel flattered and validated as a woman.
“Earth to Ella. Earth to Ella.” Rhia’s voice drifts into my consciousness. “You’re not listening, are you?”
I grimace. “Umm… sorry. You were saying?”
She stops walking and puts her hands on her hips, studying me.
“What?” I ask, imitating her stance and looking at her expectantly.
“I think we need to find a place to sit down and have a good chat. This afternoon has clearly rattled you. You’re not yourself.”