Page 144 of Sicilian Sunset

Tightness envelops my chest, and I have the undeniable urge to eat an entire block of dark chocolate… or a pint of ice cream.

Taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly, I try to decide what to do next.

Come on, Ella, just get on with it.

But get on with what?

I should ring Rhia to make sure she won’t forget to pick me up from the airport tomorrow. Digging my phone from my bag, I dial her number.

Shit, I should have checked the time before ringing her. Rhia usually sleeps in on Saturdays, but to my surprise, she answers right away, sounding chirpy and alert.

“Thank goodness you’re up. I wasn’t sure if you’d still be asleep.”

“I wish I was. No sleep for me at the moment. I’m putting the finishing touches on my presentation for Monday.”

It’s so good to hear her voice. I didn’t realize how much I had missed talking to her. Sure, we’ve been texting back and forth, but nothing beats a proper conversation. I let out a long breath, and the tension I’ve been holding slowly drains away.

“How is it coming along?” I’m certain Rhia is on target, she always is.

“Great. I’m going to blow them out of the water on Monday. They won’t know what hit them.”

“I have no doubt. You’re a force to be reckoned with.”

“How is life on the private island?” Rhia asks. “I still can’t believe he’s got a fricking island. You’re a lucky bitch.”

“That I am. But we’re packing up now. The boat is back, and we’ll return to Sicily this afternoon. You’re still picking me up tomorrow, right?”

“Sure am. I can’t wait to have you back. By that stage, I’ll have this presentation finished, and we can go out to dinner.”

“Sounds good. You might have to bring a wheelchair, though. I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk.”

Rhia laughs a full belly laugh. “Oh, El. I’m so happy to hear that. It’s about time you knew what that’s like. Tell me more.” I bet she’s bouncing on the spot with excitement—it’s in her voice.

“God, Rhia. Where do I even start? I’m ruined for any other man… at least when it comes to sex,” I say jokingly, but then realize how true the statement is.

“The man is insatiable! I’ve never had so much sex or so many orgasms in my life. And he isn’t sweet or gentle… well, at bedtime he is, but during the day it’s hard, fast, and furious.”

She claps her hands. “At last! I’m so happy you’re finally with someone who knows how to use his equipment! Promise me you’ll make the most of it while you can. A guy like that is rare to find here.”

I’m quiet for a moment, and Rhia senses my unease. “How are you feeling, El? Will you be okay leaving Tiero behind?”

“I don’t know,” I sigh. “I’m conflicted. He asked me to stay longer, but I said no. It’s only delaying the inevitable, and what’s the point in that?”

“You’ve fallen in love with him, haven’t you?” Rhia asks.

“I don’t think I’ve ever stood a chance not to. You know me. I always get attached way too quickly. But is it really love? Or more like infatuation? Or perhaps it’s just a crush? I mean, how could I not develop a crush on the man? He treats me like a princess… he calls me princess, for God’s sake. He showers me with gifts and attention…”

… he brings me to his island no woman has ever set foot on and tells me I’m his first in many ways.

No. No. No.

This can’t be more. It just can’t.

It’s a crush. That’s it. I can live with that.

How could it be love? Not after only a week. I don’t really know Tiero. He’s only shown me his charming side the entire time… well, mostly. But there is so much more to him—I can sense it.

Twice now I’ve seen him turn cold and angry. He scared me, and I wasn’t even at the receiving end of his wrath. And he offered no explanation. Why would he? Maybe if we were properly dating, he’d enlighten me. But he doesn’t tell me anything. Clearly, I’m just a girl he’s fucking… yeah, that makes more sense.