Page 134 of Sicilian Sunset

“Would you like me to stay here with you?” he asks.

The thought of having Alonso here for company feels weird. I don’t need a babysitter, and I assume I’m safe here by myself.

Alonso seems to pick up on my last thought. “It’s completely safe here. No one can come to this island unnoticed.” Is he a mind reader?

“Well, in that case, I’ll call you if I need anything. Grazie, Alonso.”

He nods. “I will be at the heliport house. I can be here within minutes should you need me.” With that, he disappears down the path.

The roar of another quad bike announces his departure. Where do they keep all these vehicles?

It’s quiet now that I’m all alone. Is this what Robinson Crusoe felt like on his deserted island?

Gosh, I’m being ridiculous.

This is nothing like the poor guy from the book. Unlike him, I have a fabulous shelter, a kitchen stocked with food, and another person on the island. I’m not alone.

Still, it does little to help my unease.

Right, I need a distraction. I lay back on the bed and pick up my book and immerse myself in someone else’s world. It takes my mind off things… at least for a time.

After making myself a sandwich for lunch, I head down to the beach for a swim and a paddle. The water temperature is wonderfully refreshing, and I let myself float in the crystal clear sea, enjoying the peace and quiet.

I decide to explore the bay a little further and get back onto the paddleboard. No waves break here, making balancing a breeze. Though that changes the closer I get to the bay opening. Still, it’s a brilliant day, and the water is calm.

As I reach the open sea, I hear yelling behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I spot Alonso waving and shouting things I can’t understand.

What’s up with him?

Trying to maneuverer around so I can see what Alonso wants, a wave tips the board, and I lose balance. Arms flailing, I fall off. Hitting the water hard, I go under. Flummoxed, I forget to close my mouth and swallow an excessive amount of seawater. It makes my sinuses burn from the salt.

Having never been able to open my eyes underwater, I squeeze them shut and frantically feel around for my board to hold on to something. I can’t find it.

Panic sets in, and I kick wildly to break the surface. When I finally do, I gasp for air. I’m treading water when another wave takes me under again, disorientating me even more.

A moment later, muscular arms wrap around my waist, pulling me to the surface.


Thank God he’s here!

Actually, he’s the reason I fell in the first place.

He drags me to the paddleboard and helps me put my arms up on it as I take in gulps of air.

“You okay?” he shouts over the ringing in my ears.

I only manage to nod. That’s when I realize I’m topless.


I don’t need Alonso to see my boobs. Good thing we’re still in the water.

But what the hell happened to my bikini top? I must have lost it when I hit the water.

“Why did you shout at me? What’s wrong?”

“There’s a yacht too close to the island, and you’re out in the open. I don’t know their intentions. I want you back at shore.”