Page 107 of Sicilian Sunset

When we reach it, I take in the impressive walls. Alonso calls out, “Buongiorno,” and it echoes loudly on and on and on. I can see why it’s not a good idea to divulge secrets in this space.

I take a few more pictures for Rhia while Alonso leaves the quarry to take a phone call, obviously not keen for me to eavesdrop.

As if I could understand an Italian conversation.

As we get back to the parking lot, Fabio is deep in conversation with another tall, burly looking guy. Do any regular men ever work for Gualtiero?

“Is it a prerequisite to be colossal and muscly to work for Tiero?” I ask, shaking my head, but Alonso just smirks and doesn’t answer. As we approach, the man claps Fabio on the shoulder, gets into the car parked next to ours, and drives off.

“Where to next, Miss O’Neil?” Fabio asks.

“Please call me Ella. Miss O’Neil makes me feel like an old school governess.”

He grins but says, “I can’t. The boss would have my balls if I got too friendly with you.”

I look at him in surprise. “Surely, using someone’s first name isn’t getting too friendly.”

“Signor De Marco would disagree. And I want to keep my job.”

“Fair enough.” Jeez. Tiero didn’t strike me as that formal, but he clearly has his preferences.

“Where to, Miss O’Neil?” Fabio asks again.

“Ortigia Island please. According to my guidebook, it’s pedestrians only. That should make it easy to get to all the sights.”

“Would you like me to be your tour guide?” Alonso asks.

“Thank you for the offer, but I’ll be fine.” I’ve got my trusted Lonely Planet guide with me—it’s come in handy many times, and I’m sure it won’t let me down this time either.

The idea of strolling the streets with Alonso just seems weird. Sure, he seems nice, but spending hours with a guy I don’t know is not my idea of fun.

He opens the backdoor for me to slide in. “As you wish.”

Alonso doesn’t appear happy, though, his face stern. I get the impression he’s here to guard me. From what, though? Is Gualtiero worried someone is going to run me over? That’s ridiculous, right?

“Alonso, are you guarding me? Am I in some sort of danger?” I ask, feeling uneasy.

“Of course not, Miss O’Neil,” he’s quick to reassure.

“Meaning I’m not in danger, or you’re not guarding me?”

Shifting in his seat, Alonso is quiet for a moment, clearly trying to think of an appropriate answer.

“Signor De Marco wants your stay to be easy and enjoyable.”

That doesn’t answer my question, but I resist pointing it out.

“So, there’s no danger?” I ask again.

“No. No danger.” Sweat is beading on Alonso’s forehead, but his voice is steady. Something isn’t right.

“Good, then I’d rather go on my own,” I say, determined.

Fabio and Alonso share a look but say nothing. We drive in silence through the busy streets of Syracuse. Once we cross the bridge connecting Ortigia to the city, I’m surprised by how calm it is. There are few cars around, and even the tourists seem to have gone elsewhere today, with only a few people in the streets.

Fabio pulls over, and Alonso points to a path along a wall towering over the sea, which leads to the heart of the island. It looks enchanting and a little stuck in time—I can’t wait to get in amongst it.

“Call me when you’re ready to leave,” Fabio says, handing me his card. I nod and slide out of the car, inhaling the salty breeze caressing my face.