Page 26 of Sicilian Sunset

Sometimes I wish things had turned out with either Don or Marco. I could have had two kids by now. But Don was always married to his job, and Marco… well, there are certain things I won’t tolerate—cheating is one of them. Even two years after our breakup, I’m relieved and proud of myself that I walked away.

In the beginning, it stung to be single again, but neither one of my breakups appeared like a terrible loss after a few weeks. My ego was more bruised than my emotions.

I’m yet to fall madly, deeply in love.

In both my relationships, I grew to love them over time, and felt content with what I had while it lasted. But when it was gone, I was surprisingly okay.

There was no crying over bottles of wine or binge eating of ice cream. Life continued as if nothing major had happened.

Have I felt lonely since? Yes.

Have I missed sex? YES.

But it still isn’t enough for me to jump into bed with random guys.

“Don’t worry, Rhi. I’ll go to dinner tomorrow night and try out the whole Opposite Ella thing… minus the jumping into bed with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. My battery-operated boyfriends get the job done just fine. They’ve proven far more reliable to deliver satisfying orgasms, and there’s no drama attached. And they don’t want their balls sucked… that has to be a bonus.”

“I love sucking Lex’s balls,” Rhia says. “They’re so sensitive and…”

“Let me stop you right there,” I interrupt, holding up my hand. “Too much information, thank you very much. I don’t need that picture in my head.”

“This two-year sexual hiatus of yours has to end,” Zoe shouts from inside.

Great. Why not announce my lack of a sex life to the entire world?

“Well, let’s hope then Gualtiero sweeps you off your feet and makes you fall hard for him,” Rhia says, winking at me.

Fear grips my heart… as ridiculous as it may sound, it might have already happened.

And it can never lead to anything more.

I’m so screwed.

Chapter Six


Thenextmorning,allthree of us travel north to Messina along the spectacular coastline. But I see little of it. I’m so tired, my eyes are half closed.

Once I was in bed last night, I couldn’t wipe Gualtiero’s face from my mind. It seemed the electricity his slightest touch had produced was still buzzing through my body. All hot and bothered, I debated getting my vibrator out of my suitcase, but stubbornly, I resisted, not wanting to surrender to this inexplicable attraction.

After hours of tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep, only to be woken by a cheery Rhia jumping on my bed a few hours later.

Now, I’m in desperate need of more coffee or I won’t make it through the day. Maybe this could be my excuse to cancel dinner?

No! Think Opposite Ella… No running away.

“I’ve been invited to a Black Sheet Party,” Zoe’s cheerful voice comes from the backseat.

Jeez. How come she’s in such a happy mood? She’s not a morning person either. Not that ten o’clock is that early.

Zoe is gracing us with her presence today. Mainly because she knows we’re going dress shopping for tonight’s dinner date.

“Why doesn’t that surprise me,” Rhia says, as she turns into the busy streets of Messina. “You’re not seriously considering going, are you?

“Have you been to one?” Zoe asks, ignoring her sister’s question.

“God no. Definitely not my thing,” Rhia immediately replies.