Page 15 of Sicilian Sunset

Those eyes…

That man… there is something about him.

And the way he looks at me… so all-consuming.

There’s a tug of war going on inside me. My gut tells me to run, my heart urges me to stay… what should I do?

Don’t they say follow your heart? But what about your gut instinct?

God, this is confusing!

Before I can make up my mind, the door opens again, and Gualtiero enters with Rhia hot on his heels.

Right away, his fiery gaze catches mine and holds it, and once again, I become completely enthralled. My insides tighten and quiver, and my nipples pebble into hard rocks under my shirt.

Oh please, don’t let him notice.

I’d be mortified if he knew how much he’s affecting me.

The temptation to let my gaze travel lower and check for signs of his arousal is great, but I resist—that would be too obvious. So instead, I speechlessly stare back.

The spell is broken when Rhia rushes forward, and my attention goes to her.

She hugs me tightly. “Oh my God, Ella. Are you really okay? Gualtiero told me what happened.”

In the comfort of Rhia’s embrace, I take my first real breath since this whole palaver started. I can’t wait to fill her in on everything.

How can twenty minutes seem like an entirely different lifetime?!

“Yeah, sweets. I’m good. A little rattled, but that will pass soon enough. I’m not the one who got injured.” Pointing at Gualtiero, I say to him, “You should have your shoulder checked out.”

“It’s nothing… just a bruise,” he replies, unperturbed.

Again, I wonder how he can be so calm when someone just tried to run him over.

There’s a moment of awkward silence. Gualtiero’s eyes are fixed on me, and for the love of God, I can’t seem to look away from him either.

Rhia misses nothing and raises an eyebrow curiously.

Gualtiero finally speaks, addressing her. “Signorina Rhia, I invited Ella to dinner and, of course, I’d like you and your sister to come as well. I’ll invite my brother and a friend to even out numbers.”

Oh, he’s smooth!

Why is he so determined? Why not just say thank you and move on?

I should feel flattered by his resolve to take me out, but to be honest, I still want to run for the hills. He’s way out of my league. I have no experience with men like him. Both my former boyfriends were sweet and innocent compared to the powerhouse that is Gualtiero De Marco.

I stare at Rhia, imploring her telepathically to decline, but she completely ignores me, a devilish smile spreading over her beautiful face.

“That’s a wonderful idea. Thank you. We’d be delighted.”

No, we wouldn’t be, I seethe internally. Rhia is the only one who’s delighted. She has no problem talking to the most gorgeous and intelligent people. She’s never lost for words or shy, and nor is Zoe. I, on the other hand…

“It’s settled then,” Gualtiero smiles. “I’ll take you to my favorite restaurant in Catania. You’ll love it. They have the best seafood in all of Sicily.”

It appears Rhia has taken over talking on my behalf. “Sounds perfect,” she replies happily. “We’re looking forward to it.”

Is she for real?