
Thomas jumped as the carriage jerked and almost ended up on the floor. Richard caught him and eased him upright.

“Careful there, Thomas. You’ll be tipped out of the carriage if you keep throwing yourself around like that.”

Thomas glared at him before brushing down his jacket.

“Whoever taught this man to drive needs to be shot,” he muttered.

“We are going on the quicker road to London,” Cohen pointed out. “It’s a lesser-used road, so it’s going to be a little unpleasant.”

“Unpleasant? I’m sure my legs are going to be vibrating from the journey for a week once we’re on solid ground.”

“Well, you were the one who wanted to come with us to London. You can’t complain about that.”

Thomas scowled, but he didn’t argue. He slumped back in his seat, looking like a scolded child. Richard couldn’t help smiling at his brother’s actions. It had been a while since he had seen a grown man sulk.

“I am glad that you’re here, Thomas. And I mean it.”

“I’m surprised you agreed to let me come along with you.”

“Since when have I deterred you from anything?” Richard pointed out. “Although I am curious as to why you want to do this. You’ve been telling me my dreams and wants over the years are pathetic follies, and I should just remember my place.”

Cohen muttered something under his breath. Richard was sure he caught the word ‘hypocrite’. Thomas seemed to have picked out the same word because his cheeks went a little red.

“I know it’s not my place to say what you should and shouldn’t follow, but I did worry that you were aiming far higher than you could dream of.”

“And you weren’t?”

Thomas winced.

“Fair enough. I was doing the same thing. I guess we both wanted something, and we were both going the same way. You with your exploring and wanting to learn about the world, and me with my desires to marry well.”

“But I’m starting to achieve those dreams,” Richard reminded him.

“You may be, but you don’t seem happy about it anymore. It’s like the fire has gone out of you.” Thomas sat forward. “Does this journey to Africa mean more to you?”

“Of course it does.”

Cohen frowned.

“You had a lot more conviction about it a while ago.”

Richard hadn’t realized. He had been wrapped up in everything lately that he hadn’t noticed his enthusiasm for something he had dreamed about for a long time had waned. How had everyone around him seen this, and he hadn’t?

“Then let me ask it another way.” Thomas held out both hands, palms up. He wiggled the fingers of his left hand. “In this hand is the expedition. Something you’ve wanted for a long time.” He wiggled the fingers on his right hand. “And in this hand is Isabel Moore. Someone you’ve wanted for a long time. Which is more important to you?”

“Do I really have to answer this, Thomas?”


Richard sighed. He didn’t need to think about it.

“Isabel. Nothing feels bright anymore if I can’t share it with her.”

“And if you could share things with her?”

“Then I would do anything to make her smile.”