Maybe she should persuade Galliston to holiday in Devon a few times a year. Just so she could be around her birthplace. Even if she didn’t get to stay at her house anymore, it would still be nice to be home.

Don’t think about Galliston right now. You can do that when you get back to London. Focus on getting this tonic made up for the servants. They are your priority.

Soon, they were back at the house, and Isabel started to quicken her step. She needed to get into the kitchen and start cooking up the tonic. Once everyone was better, she and Lady Dunley could head back to London, and then Isabel could focus on the engagement.

That was what she had to do. It didn’t matter what she wanted; practicality called for a good marriage with money involved. Isabel needed to think about her mother as well. Lady Dunley couldn’t be left destitute as well.

Just a day or two more, and then she would be gone. It was for the best. Even if it made her feel sick at the thought.

They were stepping onto the terrace as the door from the library was thrown open, and Galliston stormed outside. His face was as dark as the thunder previously overhead as he saw Isabel and Richard, still holding hands. Behind him came Lady Dunley, whose face paled when she saw the sight.

“Oh, dear.”

“It’s fine, Mother,” Isabel assured her quickly. “We just got caught in the storm, that’s all. But we’re fine.”

“Fine?” Galliston’s snarl had everyone jumping. “I wouldn’t say this was fine at all.”

He was glaring at Richard with such hostility that Isabel shivered. She started to shuffle in front of him, facing her fiancé down.

“Nothing untoward happened, Your Grace.” How that lie came out so smoothly, she had no idea. “Richard was just looking out for me, that’s all.”

Galliston snorted.

“And I know his way of looking out for you as well. I’ve seen it too many times before.”

“I’m not someone you need to be worried about, Your Grace,” Richard said sharply. “I know when I’m not wanted.”

“Apparently not, seeing as you’re still around my bride.” Galliston grabbed Isabel’s wrist and yanked her away so hard that Isabel stumbled. “You get your hands off her and get out of here now. Otherwise, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

Richard’s jaw tightened, his eyes darkening.

“You do realize that you can’t lock Isabel up in a cage away from everyone. She’s going to converse with men in the future.”

“I can control who she sees,” Galliston snapped. “And you’ve outstayed your welcome, Sidney. If you don’t want your professor to lose his funding, I suggest you leave immediately.”

For a moment, Isabel thought that Richard was going to fight for her. Deep down, she really wanted him to. But instead, Richard put the basket down on the stones and stepped back, holding up his hands.

“I’ll leave. But it’s not me you’ve got to contend with if you cut me off from my friend.”

Galliston barked out a laugh, his grip tightening on Isabel’s wrist.

“Friend? I’ve seen the way you two are together, and there is certainly not a friendship there. I won’t allow it to happen.”

“Your Grace?” Lady Dunley appeared at her daughter’s side. “You’re hurting Isabel. Maybe you should let go of her hand.”

It was then that Isabel realized she had been making whimpering noises. Galliston loosened his hold on her and pushed her towards Lady Dunley, the older woman catching her daughter as Galliston kept his angry glare on Richard.

“Get inside, the pair of you. And once your duties here are done, you are coming back with me to London. You’ll be guests at my townhouse.”

“What?” Isabel stared. “That’s not proper!”

Galliston rounded on her, which had Isabel wanting to back away. He pointed at her.

“After what you’ve just done, you can’t lecture me on what is and is not proper!” He growled. “You will do as I say. Otherwise, I’m calling the engagement off.”

Lady Dunley gasped, and Isabel felt her stomach drop.

“You wouldn’t do that.”