“She’s been reading up on a few things to see if there’s anything she can to do help.” She shrugged. “A few of our former servants are not very well, either, and the tonics the doctor has been giving them aren’t working.”

Galliston looked very confused.

“I didn’t realize Isabel was interested in medicine. She never gave any indication.”

Their carefully worded conversations and what topics to discuss were beginning to slide. Marjorie could only hope she could balance it out so she didn’t ruin this for Isabel. From the look on Galliston’s face, he wasn’t too sure what to make of the side of Isabel he wasn’t aware of.

Maybe keeping her daughter’s true side away from her future husband was not such a good idea.

“It’s more the science behind it. Isabel loves to learn. And she’s really desperate to help. My daughter doesn’t like sitting back and letting everything happen around her.”

“That’s not the impression she gave me.”

“I’m surprised because that’s what she’s normally like. Isabel loves to help whenever she can.” Marjorie swallowed. “And it’s really hard right now, being here when we can’t live here anymore and people we’ve known for years are sick.”

“I see.” Galliston’s eyes drifted over her face. Something flashed, and then it was gone. “Aren’t you scared?”

“Scared of what?”

“Catching whatever this is and getting sick? You’re in Viscount Dunley’s presence a lot, and if he’s unwell enough that he needed his aunt to come back to manage the estate, there’s a chance you could end up sick as well.”

Marjorie’s mouth fell open.

“You’re concerned that I could end up sick?”

“You and your daughter.” Galliston got to his feet. He seemed to tower over her. “It was rather foolish to rush over here when you knew the chance of getting sick increased.”

“We were summoned back, and Viscount Dunley is family.”

“So you would sacrifice yourself?”

He was a little too close for comfort, and Marjorie could feel a warm shiver down her back. She stepped around him and went to the window. She should not be alone with this man; her daughter’s fiancé was too much of a presence. Marjorie didn’t want to start thinking about something that would be passing her by.

Maybe she should start finding herself a husband. Settle down with someone who would make her comfortable and stop her being so reliant on her daughter’s happiness. It would be harder to find a suitable husband at her age, but that could be an option.

Then she could stop thinking about the Duke of Galliston as anything except her son-in-law.

“Do you think Isabel is going to be long?” Galliston asked.

Marjorie jumped. She hadn’t realized Galliston had stepped closer. She cleared her throat and slowly inched away.

“I shouldn’t think so. Once she hears that you’re here, she’ll be right with us.”

“I hope so.” Galliston paused. “May I ask you something, Lady Dunley?”

“Of course, Your Grace.”

“What’s the relationship between Isabel and Mr Richard Sidney?”

Marjorie blinked.

“Richard? He’s the son of our neighbour. A really nice lad, very bright. He and Isabel have known each other since they were children.”


“Why do you ask? Didn’t Isabel tell you?”

“Oh, she told me. But I wasn’t sure if I believed her when she said Sidney was just a friend.” Galliston didn’t look happy. “The two times we discussed Sidney, there was a dreamy look in her eyes. And I saw the way Sidney looked at her at the exhibition. That man had something in his eyes, and it was not an expression I want anyone having when they look at my future wife.”