“You would really go that far away from England?”

“With travel as it is, we can go anywhere. I like to test my limits.” Richard grinned. “And, this time, I’ll do my best to write. If I don’t, I’ll write a journal just for you.”

“For me?”

“Of course.” Although that would require a lot of memory on his part. Richard switched subjects. “So, what’s been happening with you? How is your family? I’m looking forward to discussing my journeys with your father. He said he would be very interested to hear.”

Isabel stopped short, staring at him as her face paled.

“Isabel, what is it? Did I say something wrong?”

“You haven’t heard?”

“Heard what?”

“Father’s dead.” Isabel gulped. “He … he was killed in a carriage accident. Six months ago.”

Richard felt like he had been punched in the gut. Lord Dunbury was dead? He didn’t think that was possible. The man was young and healthy. Nothing could have knocked him down. And then he was killed in a freak accident?

“I ... I don’t know what to say.” He floundered. “I must apologize for my question. I genuinely had no idea.”

“Your father didn’t say anything?”

“I got in late in the night, and I’ve spent most of my time sleeping. Nobody said a word.” Richard touched her arm. “Please accept my condolences, Isabel. And forgive me for the way I spoke. I wouldn’t have done so had I known.”

“It’s fine. There’s nothing to apologize for.” Isabel bowed her head. “It’s been hard to manage, and I’ve been really struggling. Mother’s been the same. It ... the house just feels empty without him.”

Richard could understand that. He had felt the same way when he lost his mother. Ten years on, and the emotions were still there. It could still hurt. He put his fingers under her chin and urged her to look at him.

“You need to talk about it. You need anything at all … you let me know. I’ve always been a good listener.”

“Thank you.” Isabel licked her lips. “I’ll remember that.”

They stared at each other. Richard knew he should look away and back off, be a gentleman and maintain his distance. But he couldn’t. Just one look into Isabel’s cornflower-blue eyes, and he was lost. That was a little chilling, which he found surprising. When had that happened? He couldn’t remember a time when a woman’s eyes snagged him and wouldn’t let go.

What had Isabel done in the time they had been apart to make herself so enticing?