Isabel should have pushed him away. She knew what was coming, and she should have been slapping Richard. But all thoughts of refusing his kiss melted away as his lips brushed over hers. She closed her eyes, pressing her hands hard to the wall to stop herself from reaching for him.

This was wrong. This shouldn’t be happening. And yet Isabel couldn’t stop herself from kissing him back. He really took his time kissing her, his lips tasting hers as if he were savouring something succulent. He didn’t force her or touch her other than the hand at her neck, and Isabel felt her legs going weak.

This needs to stop. You’re engaged. You’re not supposed to be kissing him.

Just one more kiss and I’ll stop.

“Tell me you don’t feel something when I kiss you,” Richard whispered, his breath tickling her lips. “You can’t say that nothing happens when I’m this close.”

“Richard …”

He groaned, and Isabel felt him shudder.

“Just tell me no, and I’ll stop. I’ll do whatever you want. Just say no, and I’ll leave you alone. You can get married to the rich older man who is just present, and I won’t bother you again.”

She stared at him.

“You mean that?”

“I mean it. Just say no, and you’ll have me do anything you wish.”

She should be saying no. She should be pushing him away and reminding him about their positions. He was gentry, and she was nobility. That could never happen.

So, why was she hiding in the dark with him like they were illicit lovers?

“Say no, and I’ll leave you alone.” Richard’s gaze was piercing. “That’s all you need to do.”

“I ... Richard …”


Isabel’s voice stuck in her throat. This was really wrong. She was an engaged woman now, and she had already broken it. If Galliston found out about it …

“Miss Moore? Where are you?”

Isabel froze. It was him. Galliston had come looking for her. Richard released her immediately, his expression going blank as he stepped away. He didn’t take his eyes from hers as he melted into the shadows, headed towards the back of the building. Isabel was left slumped against the wall, her head spinning. A moment later, Galliston came around the corner, Lady Dunley just behind him. The duke frowned.

“What are you doing in the dark, Isabel? When you said you were getting some air, I didn’t expect you to disappear.”

“Oh. I hadn’t realized.” Isabel slowly pushed herself off the wall and brushed herself down. “I just need a ... private moment to myself.”

“I see.” Galliston’s eyes narrowed. “And have you had your moment now?”

“I have.”No, I haven’t.Isabel managed a smile. “Shall we go back in? I’m feeling more refreshed now.”

That was a lie, but Isabel wasn’t about to say she had just been kissing Richard. Again. Galliston would be furious and go after Richard, maybe even break off the engagement. She couldn’t afford that right now.

She stepped up to Galliston and slipped her arm through his.

“Let’s go back inside. It’s getting decidedly chilly out here, and I’m ready to warm up.”


Richard didn’t sleep well that night at all. After encountering Isabel by chance and kissing her, he knew he had done the wrong thing. Isabel was not an attainable woman anymore. She wasn’t even someone he should be associating with in private, and he just couldn’t stop. Seeing Isabel just made him want more, and Richard couldn’t stop himself. If she had pushed him away or even slapped him, then things would be different.

But she hadn’t. If anything, she had kissed him back.

Now things were just more complicated.