“I ran away from you, remember?”

“You never said no. And from the way you kissed me, you weren’t complaining.”

Isabel swallowed. She was beginning to feel a little light-headed.

“I ... it won’t happen again. We can’t do it again, Richard.”

“Don’t you want a kiss you can enjoy?”

“Why would you say that? What’s wrong with you?”

He was acting really strangely, and she wasn’t sure how to take it. Isabel was used to Richard being a little odd, but nothing like this. It was different from how they jested with each other. That was playful, and they could fire remarks back at each other without slowing down.

This didn’t feel like teasing, however. It felt ... more intense. Teasing never tickled her skin and made her very aware of her own body. It never started a throbbing deep in her belly and between her legs. Isabel had to lean against the wall. Never mind what was wrong with Richard, what was wrong with her? She shouldn’t be reacting like this to her old friend.

Friend? They hadn’t seen each other in years. The Richard Sidney she knew had left England as a boy. The Richard Sidney before her was a man. A very different person. There was still the sweet awkwardness he had possessed all his life, but something else was there. Something stronger, fiercer.

And it was making Isabel shiver.

“Are you cold?” Richard asked.

“I ... I think I am.” Isabel licked her lips. Why was her mouth suddenly dry? “I think I need to go back inside. Mother is going to wonder where I am.”

“Then why aren’t you moving?”

“I …”

Isabel knew she should leave. But she couldn’t. She was unable to look away from the look in Richard’s eyes. It had her rooted to the spot.

“Has he kissed you yet?”


Richard reached up and cupped the side of her neck.

“Because when you kiss someone, you know it’s going to work. From your response, I’d say the duke hasn’t kissed you yet.”

This was outrageous talk. They should be stopping right now. But that’s not what came out of Isabel’s mouth.

“How do you know he hasn’t? He’s kissed me.”

“And how did that make you feel?”

“It’s not meant to make me feel anything. Is it?”

Richard’s eyes seemed to glow in the dark. He drew her closer.

“So, when he kissed you, it didn’t make you want more?”

“Richard …”

“How was it when you kissed me? Did you feel something?”

How could she answer that? Isabel hadn’t been able to forget the kiss, and it had left her warm and shaking each time she remembered it. She had never expected Richard to do something like that or that he could make her stomach flutter and her heart ache.

Oh, yes. Richard was not the boy she grew up with anymore.

“Your hesitation says you might have forgotten.” Richard lowered his head. “Maybe you need a reminder.”