Cohen had spoken once about love. It was like learning something. You had no idea what was going on, and then it clicked in your mind, and everything just fell into place and made sense. It was strange to acknowledge that he had compared love to lessons, but that was how Richard’s mind was working.

Should he say something? Should he go find out where she lived and confess what had happened? Would Isabel even admit him?

Probably not. She was going up in the world. Her focus was elsewhere, and she needed to stay on that track. She wouldn’t have any time for a man she played with as a child and shared her same interests.

Their friendship was going to fade away and be gone by the time she found a husband. And that made Richard feel depressed. He didn’t want that to happen, but it was going to. Isabel was going to leave him behind.

It was a long time coming. She was a viscount’s daughter, after all. Richard just didn’t expect that to happen.

He headed into Kensington Gardens, Richard spying a group of people near the river, sitting in small groups on many blankets spread out across the grass. It looked like everyone was having a picnic. Probably a group of the nobility out enjoying the sunshine. The day was particularly lovely. Richard could see why anyone would want their lunch outside.

He headed along the path towards the tearoom. It was Professor Ainsley’s favourite spot, mostly because he had his eye on the lady who owned the business. He would go in there whenever he could just to talk to her. Even if they were nowhere near the tearoom, Ainsley made sure that he went for his slice of cake and a cup of coffee. Richard had to smile at how hopeless his employer was.

Much like you are with a certain young lady you can never have.

Richard pushed that aside. He didn’t want to think about Isabel today. It always made him uncomfortable, and it had distracted him earlier. He couldn’t afford to think about Isabel now. Not when they had an exhibition to work with.

Who knew that three weeks on from the kiss, he couldn’t get it out of his mind.

Then Richard saw two young women walking towards him, looking deep in conversation. The tall, raven-haired woman in grey looked familiar, but the other woman even more so. She was dressed in such finery it made Richard’s head hurt, and she was walking tall with her head held high, the confidence practically radiating off her. Different, but he still recognized her.

It was Isabel. And she looked like she had grown in the last three weeks.

The dark-haired woman noticed Richard first and nudged Isabel. She turned, her eyes widening when she saw him, her mouth falling open. Richard tried not to stare at her mouth, knowing where his thoughts were going. He swallowed and slowed to a stop before them, giving Isabel a warm smile and a slight bow.

“Isabel. It’s good to see you’re out enjoying the weather today.”

“I …” Isabel’s mouth closed. Then she cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. “Mr Sidney. Good day. What brings you out here?”

“I was doing my research with Professor Ainsley nearby. He’s asked me to get some lunch.” Richard looked her up and down. “You’re looking well today. I didn’t think you could scrub up so well.”

Isabel’s cheeks pinkened a little.

“I think it isn’t appropriate for you to speak that way, Mr Sidney. And it’s Miss Moore now. We can’t be so informal.”

The woman with her nodded.

“Exactly. We have to remember our place here; otherwise, we could be torn to pieces.”

Richard frowned. What was going on?

“You didn’t care about it before.”

“That was before. I’m different now.” Isabel pursed her lips. “I’m a respectable woman now, and I need to remember that. The nobility is very strict on what we can and can’t do, and I can see why.”

She actually looked him up and down with a slight sneer. Richard was taken aback. She had never looked at him like that before, and he floundered a little.

“I ... I was just asking how you were and commenting that you looked well. Is that not allowed anymore?”

“Oh, it’s allowed. Just not so ... informally.” Isabel glanced at her companion. “Hester, would you mind giving us a moment?”

“If you’re sure?”

“I’m sure.”

Hester gave Richard a sidelong glance, but she nodded and moved away, standing just out of earshot and pretending she wasn’t watching them. Isabel turned to Richard and lowered her voice.

“I’ve been doing really well with my training. I’ve even got the attention of a duke! And Lady Blythcourt says I could be the most successful lady of the Season.” She bit her lip, her facade wavering. “I just can’t let it wobble for anyone, not even for you.”