Galliston started walking towards her, giving her a warm smile and a bow.

“Miss Moore. I trust you’re enjoying yourself tonight.”

“I ... yes.” Isabel cleared her throat, wishing she didn’t sound like a fool. “Yes, I am. It’s just a lovely evening.”

“And your first ball as well.” Galliston’s smile reached his eyes. “Looks like you’re taking London by storm.”

Isabel’s face was getting even warmer as she looked away, staring at the floor. She had been getting compliments all evening, and it was still uncomfortable to her. She wasn’t used to being showered with praise like this. Lady Dunley touched her hand.

“My daughter is certainly coming into her own, Your Grace. I hope her next social engagement is just as successful.”

“I’m sure it will be.” Galliston’s expression flickered as he glanced at Lady Dunley. “How long are you staying for, My Lady? I would love to dance with your daughter again if her card is free.”

Isabel gestured at the cards on the table. She had undone the ribbon to get the weight off her wrist.

“It didn’t seem to bother you last time, Your Grace.” She tried to fight back a yawn, but it didn’t work. She covered the yawn with her hand. “Actually, we were thinking of leaving.”

“So soon?”

Lady Blythcourt sighed.

“Miss Moore is still young, and this is her first social engagement. She needs to get used to balls and big crowds. You know, being a country mouse, and all that.”

“I can understand.” Galliston tilted his head as he looked at Isabel. “Would it be too much to ask if I could take Miss Moore for a turn around the garden before you leave? Some fresh air should be welcoming.”

A walk with a duke? Isabel turned to her mother.

“Please, Mother?”

Lady Dunley smiled and patted her hand.

“All right. We need to get the carriage to come around, anyway. Lady Hester, will you accompany Miss Moore?”

“Certainly, My Lady.”

Isabel deflated a little. She wasn’t stupid to do something out of turn with a gentleman on their first meeting, so it felt like people were treating her as if she was going to become a wanton woman the moment they were away from prying eyes. But she managed a smile and took Lord Galliston’s hand. He helped her to her feet, still wearing that smile that left a shiver down her spine. He could turn any woman into a shaking mess with a simple look.

“Off you go, my dear.” Lady Blythcourt waved her off. “I’m sure the Duke of Galliston will look after you for a few minutes.”

“I’ll do my best, My Lady.” Galliston offered Isabel his arm. “Shall we, Miss Moore?”

Isabel took his arm and allowed him to walk her to the garden door and out onto the terrace. There seemed to be many lanterns set up all over the garden, which stretched far out in front of them in the darkness. Isabel wasn’t sure what to make of it. It must look magnificent during the daylight, but at night it was just blackness.

“Come with me.” Galliston tugged her towards a wooden table and a set of chairs. “We don’t need to go for a walk if you’re not comfortable. We can simply sit out here and breathe in the evening air.”

Isabel gave him a relieved smile.

“Thank you. I have been dancing a lot tonight.”

“I noticed you were limping. You seemed to have a very full dance card tonight.”

“You could say that.” Isabel tried not to hobble over to the chairs. “I haven’t danced so much in a long time. Not since I was a girl.”

“I see.” Galliston pulled out a chair and helped Isabel to sit. “You didn’t go to parties and dance the night away in the country?”

“No, I didn’t.” Isabel sighed. “I wish I had, though. Then it may not be as painful.”

Galliston chuckled and took a seat next to her, adjusting his chair, so he wasn’t too close but was close enough that his knee was brushing against hers.