“If you must do that, go to the powder room.” Lady Blythcourt looked around, but no one was paying them any attention. “You shouldn’t be taking off your shoes in this room.”

Isabel sighed and slipped her shoe back on. Her feet were really sore. A couple of them were tingling, and she had lost the ability to feel them without small stabbing pains down the side of her foot. This was the first time since she arrived nearly two hours ago that she had been able to sit down, and even then, she’d had to practically beg the gentleman who was dancing next with her to allow her to have a breather.

Much as she was enjoying herself, for the most part, it wasn’t easy to keep up with this. Isabel felt a little overwhelmed and bewildered by how huge and loud the crowd was. It was hurting her head a little.

But everyone was nice. Really nice. Lady Blythcourt just had to introduce her, and Isabel had people flocking around her. It felt strange – Isabel was used to being in the background, nothing like this.

There was one issue she was having, though. While she had been having lessons on how to be a lady, she hadn’t really been taught how to speak to gentlemen beyond it had to be formal. Isabel found herself stumbling over her words, unsure of what to do. She did her best, but it made her inwardly wince. She didn’t know what to say.

Lady Dunley had told her just to let the gentleman lead the conversation, and then she would be fine. That’s what Isabel did. She did her best with the young ladies, although she still came out with something that everyone thought was unusual once she started to get more comfortable. It had everyone around her laughing like she had just made an amusing jest.

Isabel just felt like they were laughing at her and not what she had said.

Even so, it was a better evening than she expected, and while Isabel was looking forward to going home, she was glad things had gone well.

“Drink this, my dear.” Lady Hester passed a glass of water over. “You’re looking a little flushed. It will help you feel better if you have a headache.”

“Thank you.” Isabel accepted the glass and took a hefty gulp. That did feel better. “How did you know I was getting a headache.”

“You’ve been dancing without a break and nothing to eat and drink, so it’s no surprise if you’re feeling a little woozy.” Hester smiled. “You do need to look after yourself to make sure you keep going.”

“I’m beginning to realize that.” Isabel covered her mouth as she yawned. “I don’t know if I can carry on. Can I go home?”

Lady Blythcourt blinked.

“Are you not enjoying yourself, dear?”

“I am, but we did agree two hours. That’s as much as I feel I can cope with right now.”

Lady Dunley nodded.

“We did do that, and Isabel is looking exhausted. I think pushing her to do more will make things worse.”

Lady Blythcourt tilted her head to one side. Then she nodded.

“I’ll have to agree. Isabel will probably keel over if she carries on.” She smiled, her expression warm. “You’ve done really well tonight, dear. I’m proud of you.”

Isabel felt her face getting warm, and she looked at the glass in her hands. She was proud of herself. If someone had told her months ago that she would be entering London’s Society and being the centre of attention, she would have laughed and told them not to be so stupid. But now it was happening, and Isabel felt like she was living in a strange dream.

Maybe she could do it. Maybe she could find a husband who wouldn’t care about her current situation. Then she would have the ability to support her mother, and they wouldn’t need to rely on the pitiful allowance from her cousin.

The current Lord Dunley had sent his first payment to them, but it was barely enough to pay for rent had they no money. Along with the letter was a reminder that they needed to start paying off the last viscount’s debts. Lady Dunley simply screwed up the letter and tossed it into the grate.

Isabel wanted to live a life where she didn’t need to worry about where the money was coming from and relying on everyone to make sure she was comfortable. She might not be living the exciting life she had longed for, travelling the world and exploring new places, but it was better than being on the streets.

They were members of the nobility, so Isabel had thought it wasn’t possible for them to be homeless. But it was very possible, and she didn’t want to get close to it.

“Oh, look!” Lady Blythcourt tapped the table and gestured towards the door into the ballroom. “There’s the Duke of Galliston! He seems to be looking for someone.”

Isabel looked around, and her gaze caught sight of the chestnut-haired gentleman framed in the doorway, talking to a shorter man with black hair and a trim moustache. She remembered him as the one who had asked for a dance, but someone else had marked her card. The other gentleman had been reluctant to give up his spot, but Galliston had been insistent. Isabel was very surprised at how smooth he had made it.

She was just happy that a duke wanted to dance with her. Even though it was just once, Isabel wanted to spend more time with him. Get to know the man more. He was a handsome man, strong-looking and athletic. He certainly cut a magnificent figure.

Lady Blythcourt was right. Even though he was talking to someone, his eyes kept scanning the room. He did appear to be looking for someone. Isabel’s breath caught when his gaze met hers, and he simply smiled. He really did have a nice smile.

Not as nice as Richard’s, though.

I don’t want to think about Richard. Not now.