“All I wanted to do was learn. I love to learn, and Mr Cohen was fine with me being around whenever you and Thomas had your lessons outdoors. But Thomas ... it was like he couldn’t get his head around the fact a woman would want to actually learn something or have a brain.”

Richard shrugged.

“That’s been Thomas since he was born. He had ideas above his station, even when we told him it was useless. A few boys lived nearby who had wealthy relatives or were destined to become titled gentlemen themselves. Once he was hanging around them, Thomas started listening to them about how gentlemen were supposed to react.”

“He’s been trying to get young ladies in the area to give him attention.” Isabel shook her head. “I heard about it in Exeter when we go on errands. Society certainly talks about him and about how much he’s trying, but he’s not doing very well.”

Richard winced.

“I had a feeling that would happen. Thomas thinks the women find him attractive, and he’ll have a perfect wife very soon.”

“Women do find him attractive, but what member of the nobility is going to marry a man with no title. Even when he inherits our father’s title, which is not much on its own, he’s not going to get anyone above his station.”

And Thomas just wouldn’t listen. Isabel knew the man well enough to know that he wouldn’t pay attention when someone told him that his plan would be fruitless. He had plans, and he was going to follow them. Isabel didn’t want to be around when he had those plans blow up in his face.

“Does he still disapprove of you going off to explore other countries?” she asked, holding onto her hat when a gust of wind threatened to take it off her head. “I know he was grumbling about it before. He didn’t like the fact your father paid for you to travel.”

Richard shook his head.

“He’s still upset about it, even now. It’s like he thinks his inheritance has gone to waste.”

“But your father made it back, didn’t he? He’s a very shrewd businessman. That money would have replaced whatever he used in no time.”

“Exactly, and he did make it all back. But Thomas ... well, as the one next in line, he’s very protective about it.” Richard sighed. “I just know once Father dies and Thomas becomes the heir, he’s going to put me on a very low allowance, and he’s going to make sure I can’t travel.”

Isabel looked up at him. His voice had changed. He sounded sad, and her heart went out to him. Richard wasn’t one of those people who could sit still and be a member of the landed gentry. Be a regular person. He had been born to be different. And he was in love with going to new places. It gave him a sense of purpose.

Isabel could understand. She often felt it herself.

She looked along the path. Her mother and Lady Blythcourt were still quite a way ahead. Lady Hester was also with them. It was like they had forgotten she was there.

She should be urging Richard to hurry along, to catch up with everyone else. But Isabel didn’t want to hurry up. She was enjoying this. Being around her childhood friend and remembering their time as children, running around and pretending they were on big adventures.

Richard’s dreams had come true. But Isabel’s hadn’t. And she wished that they would.

Women’s dreams aren’t recognized unless they are very strong. And I’m not strong enough to admit that I want to have the same dreams.

What would happen to Mother if I went on these travels?

“Are you all right, Isabel?”


Richard was peering at her.

“You’re looking around everyone. Is something wrong?”

“Oh. No.” Isabel managed a bright smile. “Nothing’s wrong.”

“Are you sure about that?” Richard tilted his head. “You’re not nervous about being around me, are you? I mean, we’ve known each other for years.”

Isabel blinked.

“Why would I be nervous about you? You’re probably the safest person I know.”

Richard smiled, and that made Isabel’s heart miss a few beats. It was just like they were back at the river again. Just one twitch of a smile, and Richard was making her weak at the knees.

What was going on?