“I’m so proud of you.” Isabel touched his arm. “You always were destined for greater things. What did Mr Cohen say?”

“He was delighted. Said that I deserved so much more, and I should take an opportunity whenever it arose.”

“Didn’t I hear that Professor Ainsley was planning on going to Africa at some point?”

“He is. He’s getting funds to go. Cohen and I would have loved to have gone, but we couldn’t afford it.” Richard patted his chest and beamed. “Now I’m his assistant, I can go easily.”

The look on Isabel’s face really warmed his chest. Her eyes simply sparkled. They always did whenever they started talking about something related to their shared passion. But Richard was seeing more than the look in her eyes. He was seeing everything. She had looked like the regular pretty country girl while they were in Devon, and Richard had been drawn to how vibrant she looked. Now he was seeing something else.

Scrubbed up, a little more graceful and really looking like a lady, Isabel was absolutely stunning. The gentlemen were going to be queuing up for her attention.

Something knotted in his stomach, feeling like a hard lump. Where had that come from?

“I think I need to start going back to Mother.” Isabel gestured towards the dwindling trio. “We’ve hovered a little too much. I think we need to catch up, or I’m going to get into trouble for falling behind.”

“My apologies. I got excited.” Richard offered his arm. “Will you allow me to walk you to your companions, My Lady?”

Isabel rolled her eyes.

“Honestly, Richard, I’m not a lady. I was simply an honourable before.” She sighed. “I don’t know what I am now.”

“Well, whatever you are, will you permit me to escort you?”

“Of course.” Isabel slid her arm through his. “I would like that very much.”

Richard could feel the touch of her hand on his arm. Even through his jacket and shirt and her glove, he could feel the heat. It felt like it was tingling up his arm. It reminded him of when he was at the river after rescuing her. Touching her made everything feel very sensitive. It made him want to hold her and not let go.

That had not happened before. Isabel was his friend, nothing more. They would end up having escapades no matter what they were doing, and nothing had made him want to hold onto Isabel. Why would he want to hold a little girl?

But he wanted to hold onto the woman. She drew him into the point Richard was left a little unsteady. He had thought that was the case before, and now, with her walking beside him, it was stronger than ever.

What was happening to him? Why was Isabel suddenly more enchanting? Little Isabel, the neighbour’s girl with wild hair, torn stockings, and the cheeky grin? There was nothing about that little girl beside him. Isabel was really grown up.

And she was having an effect on him that Richard wasn’t sure he understood.


Isabel had not expected to see Richard, but she was very glad to see him. A welcoming face in London was just what she needed right now. Especially when the stress of trying to become the lady she needed to be was getting a little too much. Lady Blythcourt wasn’t going to be too impressed by this interlude, but Isabel didn’t care.

She wanted to have Richard’s company for just a little longer.

Isabel glanced sideways at Richard as they walked. He looked different from when they last saw each other. It wasn’t that long ago, but he had changed. He looked taller, more confident somehow. His head was held high as well. This new position seemed to be giving him everything he wanted, including a new persona.

It was very attractive.

Don’t think like that. If you’re looking for a husband, you need to focus on the wealthy gentlemen who are willing to take you on. Richard Sidney is not one of them.

Even so, I’m allowed to look at a man and appreciate them. Richard is a man, and I’m appreciating him.

“How were things when you got back from Europe?” she asked. “Was everything the same, or were things different?”

“Different, certainly. Nothing had changed, but I had. And it was a few days before I got used to everything again.” Richard frowned. “Although I did wish that my brother had changed. Having him going on at me for wasting father’s money drives me mad.”

“Well, we know for certain that Thomas is going to be that person who never changes. He was always rather straight-laced when it came to things that were outside what he considered normal.”

“Still smarting from the way he treated you, are you?”

Isabel frowned.