“No, I didn’t.” Isabel sat up. “I do love butterflies. They’re so pretty.”

“That’s why I love them so much. I drew them so much when I was a child.” Lady Hester started to show a little more enthusiasm. “Do you study butterflies as well?”

“I actually study insects and other creatures in their own habitat. I had a spot in the orangery set up where I would tend to wounded animals before setting them back in the wild.”

Lady Hester’s eyes went round.

“You did that? That’s so sweet!”

“I like to think so. I want to feel like I’m doing some good.” Isabel sighed. “Although they’ve probably been sent back into the wild when they’re not ready. My cousin won’t be as charitable, I’m sure.”

“I’m sure the animals will manage. They are wild, after all.” Lady Hester sat forward. “When you’re over at our house, I’ll show you the specimens I have. I’ve been cultivating quite a few caterpillars into butterflies. It’s so fascinating what happens.”

“I’d like that.”

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if she had a distraction like this. Lady Hester didn’t look like someone who loved insects and was excited about things that interested Isabel. Now she could feel the excitement building for herself.

London might not be so bad, after all. It was going to be one of those places that brought a lot of fascinating topics, and Isabel wanted to explore them all. If she were given half a chance.

From the way Lady Blythcourt was going upstairs, her booming voice cascading down the stairs, she was going to be kept busy for quite a while. Her mother’s cousin was going to be completely throwing herself into this.

Could she do this? Could Isabel get into shape to become a perfect debutante? She didn’t think so, but her mother thought it was possible. And Lady Blythcourt seemed to be very determined about it.

Hopefully, they could do something. Because while Isabel wasn’t as confident, she didn’t want to give up just yet.

She just wasn’t looking forward to these lessons. Part of her was sure that they were going to be hard work.