Richard felt his face getting warm as he stared at the empty page on his sketchbook. He had been acting differently over the last few days to the point he had noticed it. Something wasn’t right with him, and it was distracting.

Although Richard could guess why he was off-balance. It was ever since he crossed paths with Isabel. She had captured his attention and was refusing to let go. Richard wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. But he hadn’t been able to see if it was just a fluke one-off reaction after seeing her for the first time in years or something that was going to be sustained, as he hadn’t been able to see her.

Richard had sent his calling card to the house, but he hadn’t heard anything back. Isabel must have forgotten. She had complained about Richard being absent-minded when it came to keeping in touch, but she was just as bad as he was.

She was probably focused on that little dormouse, getting it ready to go back into the wild. When she started tending to animals or got her nose stuck in a book, she forgot about everything else. Richard had personally witnessed it.

It would serve him right if she had forgotten. They hadn’t spoken in four years. He could wait a little longer. Even if he was itching to go over and just visit her without an invitation. Richard just needed to be patient.

That wasn’t as easy as he thought.

“What’s turning your brain over and over again?”


“I can see your mind working, and it doesn’t seem to have a specific direction.” Cohen regarded him thoughtfully. “What are you thinking about?”

“Oh, nothing,” Richard lied. He tried to concentrate on starting his sketch, brushing the pencil across the page. “Just trying to get my mind focused for this sketch.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“I’m sure. Why are you so determined to think otherwise?”

“Because I know you, Richard. I know when things are off.” Cohen tilted his head, leaning back on his hands. “Are you thinking about the organization? Because I know it’s been on my mind.”

For a moment, Richard wondered what he was talking about. But then he remembered. An organization in London, run by the prestigious explorer and scientist Professor Cain Ainsley, had a very deep interest in Africa. Professor Ainsley had been expressing a desire to explore the interior parts of Africa and had been raising funds and asking for people to join him on the expedition. The moment Cohen had heard about it when they were in France, he would bring it up every other conversation.

Richard could see why; Professor Ainsley was a brilliant man, and they had been to quite a few of his lectures. They admired him, and the thought of being with him while he explored parts of a continent that hadn’t been found before was very enticing. Richard would love to be alongside a man he admired.

The problem was, they didn’t have the funds. Each person on the expedition needed to forward a hefty sum to secure their place, but neither Richard nor Cohen was wealthy. Richard wasn’t about to ask his father again for the funds, and he didn’t want Thomas’ disapproval again. He knew once their father died, Thomas would be taking charge of the finances, and he would be giving Richard pennies for his allowance. He would not be kind.

He saw Richard’s desires and love for science as pathetic, and that he should be focused on something more suitable. Or, rather, someone more suitable. Richard knew Thomas was looking for a wife, and he thought his brother should do the same, and then their positions would be secured. But Thomas was looking far above his station, and his luck with the ladies wasn’t working. Once they realized he didn’t have any money, the ladies turned their backs on him.

If Thomas was having bad luck with women, Richard wasn’t going to fare any better.

“I’ve thought about it a bit.” That was partly true. Richard kept his head down as he sketched out the edge of the horizon. “But I know if I thought about it too much, I’m going to be in a lower mood.”

“We could get onto the expedition if we persevere.”

“How? Neither of us has enough money to put towards it. And we’ll end up flat broke if we used what little we have.”

“I’ve thought of that. And I’ve got an option for you.”

Cohen was grinning now. Richard recognized that grin. His mentor was up to something. It was a sign that he had a plan, and it was going to be the best he had ever come up with. He sighed.

“What have you done now?”

“I’ve not done anything. But I did receive a letter yesterday from Professor Ainsley.”

Richard dropped his pencil, leaving a darker mark on the paper. He picked up the pencil from the floor and stared at his tutor.

“You received a letter ... Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It got to us rather late, and you had already retired.” Cohen pulled an envelope from his pocket and took out the letter. “He said that he recalled us from the multiple appearances at his lectures, and he was really impressed with you, especially. He needs a research assistant after his assistant had to go back to Scotland to help his family after his father’s death. And he asked if you would like to apply for the job.”

Richard thought he must have misheard. One of the most respected men in England and the professor wanted Richard to apply for a job working for him? This had to be a dream.

“Let me see that.”