“It depends on what you want to ask, Miss Moore.”

Isabel turned on her stool and watched her maid as she began to turn down the bed.

“What was your status in France? Was your family poor, or did you have some status?”

Arnaud frowned.

“I would have thought you would know about me by now. I’ve been in your service for two years.”

“All you said was that your life was in danger, and you had to run. You didn’t say anything more.”

For a moment, she thought Arnaud wasn’t going to respond. Then her maid answered, walking around the bed to fold down the sheets on the other side.

“My family had some money. We weren’t wealthy, but we had status. And my father was known in our town. He was respected, but he also objected to the war against England. Some of the French soldiers in a nearby camp didn’t like his vocal dislike of what was happening. They saw him as a traitor. I remember getting threatened on the way home from the market. One of them put a knife to my throat and told me to watch my back. So, my parents put me on a boat to England and told me to keep myself safe.”

“Oh, lord.” Isabel’s heart squeezed. “I had no idea about that.”

“It was too painful to talk about. And I was so scared that I would be found.” Arnaud sighed. “My parents and my two sisters managed to escape. They now live in Portugal, safe from the French government. But I haven’t seen them in two years.”

Isabel couldn’t imagine how that felt to be separated from the family for so long. She wouldn’t be able to cope.

“So, you were someone like me before you fled your country.”

“I was.”

Isabel bit her lip.

“You became a maid instead of something nearer your status. Why did you do that?”

“Because my English was awful, and I didn’t like how companions were treated when I saw them in London. Being a maid meant I could be quiet and out of sight. Easier to keep a low profile as well.” Arnaud’s expression softened. “Your father understood my situation and took me in. Between him and Lady Dunley, they improved my English, and the servants here helped me navigate my new life. Everyone was extremely patient with me, even though they didn’t need to be. In some cases, I was lucky.”

Isabel remembered when Arnaud had first arrived. Her English had been poor, and she struggled with her understanding. But over the time she had been in their employ, her English had improved. Now she spoke with a slight accent, but she was more eloquent than some English servants. Her ability to learn was remarkable.

“How was it to learn new things? Did you find it difficult?”

“There was a lot to learn, but I have a natural ability when it comes to learning, so it wasn’t too hard.” Arnaud tilted her head to one side. “Cook mentioned that you were considering going into service yourself. And I know about the deal Lady Dunley made with you.”

“Neither situation I want to be in. But I don’t really have a choice.” Isabel looked down at herself. “Do you think I could learn well enough to pass as a lady or a servant?”

“You can pass as anything that you put your mind to, Miss Moore. I’ve seen how animated you get when you’re learning something new, so I’m sure you can pick things up quickly.”

“But when I’m animated, it’s because I’m enjoying the subject. I’m not going to enjoy learning to be a lady.” Isabel made a face. “I think I would prefer to be a servant. Fewer expectations.”

“Why don’t you consider going for a governess position?”

“I don’t have the qualifications. And I am very limited on quite a few subjects.”

“So are a lot of governesses when they start out. And even after several years, they are not well-versed in many topics. But they manage.”

That gave Isabel a bit of hope. Maybe that could be an option at the end of the Season. She didn’t see herself finding a prospective husband who wanted to marry a young lady who was practically destitute. And at her age, that lowered her marriage prospects greatly. Lady Dunley might have thought Isabel was a better option to find a husband, but Isabel didn’t think so. The odds were stacked against her.

It was best to work on her options now while she lasted the Season. Then she would be better prepared. If Arnaud could do it after living a decent life before, so could she. Even if she didn’t want it.

She wanted to stay at the house she had known all her life, exploring the Devon countryside and looking after the tiny animals in the orangery. With Richard and Mr Cohen back, there was a chance for interesting conversation. Especially with Mr Cohen; he was enthusiastic about everything he talked of, and Isabel liked listening to him. Richard was very much the same, although a little more awkward about it.

Although from the way he had been earlier, that awkwardness had faded away. The Richard Sidney standing before her that morning had been exuding confidence she hadn’t seen in him before. Evidently, touring abroad had been good for him.

In more ways than one. When did he get so attractive?