“And I have a couple of relatives in London who can help us get a small place.”

Isabel sat upright.

“London? Why on earth would we go to London? Why not Torquay or Exeter? We know those places, and I’m sure accommodation is cheaper.”

“Because the relatives I have left are in and around London, and we’re going to need their support.” Lady Dunley grimaced. “While I’m reluctant to lean on them for financial support, I know they’ll help out if we ask.”

Isabel didn’t know about that. She could see this going really wrong for them. In her experience with some of her friends, when someone agreed to give money to a person who needed help, there was always something they wanted in return.

Isabel didn’t think they could cope if they had to do something in return for borrowing money. The relatives she had met on her mother’s side always had conditions, and Isabel was sure they would ask for something they couldn’t give.

She hated Daniel for putting them in this position.

“Have you thought about what you’re going to do with your animals?” Lady Dunley asked. “Are you going to let them go before we leave?”

“I suppose I’ll have to. Most of them are almost nursed back to health.” Isabel gestured at the rabbit with a bandage wrapped around one of its ears. “It’s just this little mite with his ripped ear, but I think he’ll be ready to go. I don’t want Daniel to throw them all out and treat them abysmally.”

“He knows that you’re a lover of animals.”

“That’s not going to stop him being cruel, is it?” Isabel slumped in her chair. She had a headache from her crying and the reading. “I’m going to have to go into service, aren’t I?”

“What?” Lady Dunley started. “What are you talking about? Why would you become a servant?”

“Because we need to have money coming in, otherwise we’re going to be destitute. And I have no proper schooling of my own. Everything was directed towards my sciences, some mathematics, and a bit of reading. But it was all focused on scientific pursuits. That’s not exactly good to be a governess unless my employers want their children to become scientists. I have no idea how to look after children, so I wouldn’t trust myself as a nanny. And I’m sure my conversation points are going to be detrimental to me as a companion. No one wants to listen to me talk on and on about animals, the environment, and the laws of physics.”

Lady Dunley frowned.

“You could just be a young lady. You’re the daughter of a viscount. A member of the nobility. You should remain as a lady in Society.”

“But what do I have to offer people? I don’t know about fashion, important dates, or anything that the ton would consider important. I just know about books and science.” Isabel shook her head. “It’s not exactly a good thing for me. It’ll just work against me when I step into Society for the first time.”

Isabel had been given the option of having her first Season two years ago, but she had turned it down. She had no desire to go and mingle with lots of people in pretty dresses and pretend to be interested in the mundane conversations. And finding a husband had never interested her. If someone suitable came along and they found her ideal, Isabel wasn’t going to say no, providing they were decent gentlemen. But she wasn’t holding out any hope on it. She was content with her life.

Now her life was being pulled away from her, and Isabel was left floundering. She had no idea what they were going to do anymore. Her options were very limited. At the moment, the only choice she had which would work for them was going into service. Even if a viscount’s daughter going into service was going to cause a lot of gossip.

If anyone asked why she was scrubbing floors and fetching laundry, Isabel wasn’t going to hold back. She would tell the truth, even if it embarrassed her cousin. As far as she was concerned, he didn’t deserve discretion.

“You do know that it’s perfectly possible to be a lady and have interests like yours,” Lady Dunley pointed out. “It’s just a question of finding that balance and making it work.”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to make it work, Mama. And have you seen me lately?” Isabel gestured at herself. “I’m not graceful or anything. And I don’t even dress as I’m supposed to. I’m going to stand out like a sore thumb. In any case, why would I enter Society now? What good could it possibly do for us.”

“I think you know, Isabel.”

It took a moment for realization to dawn. Isabel sat up.

“Are you serious? You’re saying I need to find a husband?”

“That’s the only way we’re going to get out of this mess, darling. One of us needs to find an advantageous match and get married. Only then will we be saved from financial ruin.” Lady Dunley spread her hands. “I’m too old to be considered for a marriage, so that leaves you.”

“You’re not old, Mama!”

“Thank you for saying that, but you’re a better choice. Gentlemen will see you before they see me.”

Isabel highly doubted it. Her mother was still very beautiful. She could attract any man she wanted. She shot to her feet and began to pace.

“You can’t seriously think this is the only option, Mama. I’m ill-suited to make my debut now. Aside from the fact I would probably be considered too old for marriage, I have no idea how to conduct myself around people. You know I always put my foot in it, and the only reason I get away with it is because I’m mostly with you and Father.”

Her father. Isabel felt a knot tighten in her belly. She loved him, thought he was the best man in the world. Now she was hearing that he had gambled away their livelihood and left them in a position where they were forced to leave their home.