She went back into the kitchen just as Maggie, one of the downstairs maids, came into the kitchen. She looked a little flustered when she saw Isabel.

“Miss Moore.” She bobbed a quick curtsy. “Lady Dunley’s asked for you to join her in the drawing room. A Mr Joyner is here to see both of you.”

“Mr Joyner?” Isabel frowned. “Do you know who he is?”

“He said he was a solicitor. That’s all I know, but Lady Dunley didn’t look too happy.”

As far as Isabel knew, their family solicitor was Mr Edwards, and he was all the way in Torquay. Who was this Mr Joyner? She turned and pushed the jar and her hat into Cook’s hands.

“Could you get this mouse set up in his new home and in the orangery with the others? I’ll be back shortly.”

“But, Miss Moore …”

“You just need to transfer him from hat to jar and add a bit of cloth. That’s all. I’ll feed him once I’ve seen Mother and our guest.”

Not leaving Cook any position to argue, Isabel hurried out. She was more concerned about why a solicitor would be visiting them at this time. Was he an associate of Mr Edwards? Did he now represent their father, and they hadn’t known about it? It wouldn’t be much of a surprise, seeing as Dunley liked to keep things to himself and sprung things on them out of nowhere. Isabel didn’t like it when he did that.

Lady Dunley was pacing around the drawing room when Isabel entered. She looked a little flustered, wringing her hands as her skirts swished around her. She turned as Isabel entered the room.

“Oh, there you are, Isabel …” Her eyes widened when she saw the state of her daughter’s dress. “What happened to you?”

“I nearly fell in the river. It’s fine, Mother.”

Lady Dunley’s expression said she was going to be asking a lot of questions later. Clearing her throat, she gestured at the tall, portly man with a bald head by the fireplace.

“This is Mr Joyner. He represents your cousin, Daniel Moore.”

It took a moment for Isabel to remember who Daniel was. Her father’s nephew and the heir to the viscount title. Isabel had only met him twice when she was younger as he lived just north of London. He was a few years older than her, and from what Dunley had mentioned, married with a small child. Doing very well for himself, although Isabel’s opinion of him hadn’t been too great as children.

And he would be the one who was now Lord Dunley. Isabel was a woman, and she couldn’t inherit the viscountcy. It had to go to the nearest male relative or, failing that, to the crown. That was Daniel, and Isabel didn’t like it. She was sure things were going to be changed drastically now he was in charge.

Although that hadn’t happened for the last six months. Maybe there was some hope, and he would leave them alone with a simple allowance. Apparently, Daniel loved London too much to move too far away.

“Oh, of course.” Isabel managed a slight smile and dropped a curtsy. “Mr Joyner.”

“Miss Moore.” Mr Joyner bowed his head. “Allow me to offer my condolences over your father’s death. It was very unexpected, and I’m sure it was a great shock to you.”

“That it was.” Isabel glanced at her mother. “What’s this about? Why has Daniel sent his solicitor to see us?”

“I was hired by Lord Dunley to handle the affairs of your estate. Mr Edwards relinquished all of the records once I explained things to them.” Mr Joyner cleared his throat, shuffling from foot to foot. “Let’s just say that things are ... they’re not going to go in your favour.”

Isabel frowned. She was very confused.

“What are you talking about?”

“As the viscount, and this is the main house for the viscountcy, Lord Dunley had the option to move himself in, and you and your mother would have to move out.”

“What?” Isabel stared. “But I was born here! We’ve always lived here!”

“But now your father is dead, and the new Lord Dunley’s family should be living here instead. It means you will have to find alternative accommodations.”

“Oh, dear.” Lady Dunley was clutching her chest as she swayed. “Oh, dear. Can’t Daniel give us a special dispensation or something? He doesn’t even like the country.”

“That’s what he wants. And you won’t be able to manage the upkeep of the house for much longer.”

“What are you talking about?”

Mr Joyner looked like he would rather be anywhere but in that room. He paced towards the window, hands clasped behind his back.