“Not when I’m making it. Everything has to be just so.”

Isabel didn’t doubt it. Cook was one of those people who could make food into a work of art. And he needed time to do it. If she were working with food all day, she would be taking pride in her work.

Much as she loved and missed Cook’s food, she was glad she didn’t have to eat with her cousin. He was not the most brilliant of dinner companions. Things ended up in arguments, which didn’t really help much. Isabel would rather have dinner where she didn’t need to defend her opinions. Her cousin was not one to believe anyone else’s opinions mattered.

If only they could take Cook with them. That would be delightful.

They had returned to Clovewood and entered the kitchen door when Isabel heard Richard calling for her. She turned and saw her husband jogging around the side of the house. He was red in the face with his hair in a mess from the wind, but his eyes were bright. Isabel only had enough time to hand the basket she was carrying to Cook before Richard picked her up and spun her around, kissing her until Isabel was breathless. When she could come up for air, Isabel was feeling light-headed.

“What’s the matter with you? What made you so happy?”

“Do you want the good news or the better news?”

Isabel slapped his chest.

“Don’t tease me, Richard. Just tell me.”

“I’ll go with the better news.” Richard reached into his pocket and brought out two letters. He brandished one in the air like he had won millions. “Professor Ainsley’s written. He said that we’ve finally got the funds we need to go on the expedition.”

It took a moment for the words to sink in. Isabel stared.

“Is he serious?”

“Professor Ainsley does not jest like that. And he said there is more than enough for a couple of extra people to come along as well, so he’s giving me first pick.”

“First pick?”

“I can choose two extra people to come with us to Africa.” Richard smiled as he cupped her face. “I want you and Cohen to come with me.”

Isabel wasn’t aware that her mouth had fallen open before she heard Cook laughing.

“Close your mouth, Miss Moore. You’re going to catch flies.”

“Oh.” Isabel did so, only for it to fall open again. “You really want me to come with you? Are you sure it’s a good idea for a woman to come to Africa?”

“I think it’s an excellent idea.” Richard rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “I know you’ll be more than capable of dealing with it all. You will be fine.”

To go to Africa, leaving England for the first time. Isabel rubbed her eyes.

“Am I still dreaming?”

“No, you’re not dreaming. This is really happening.” Richard kissed her. “I want you to come with us to Africa. I want my wife to enjoy this alongside me instead of through letters. How does that sound?”

“That sounds …” Isabel smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Delightful.”

“So, you’ll come?”

“Of course I will.” Isabel frowned. “But how did we get the funding? Who was the person who gave you the rest of the money and then some?”

“That’s linked to the other news.” Richard held up the other letter. “Your mother wrote to you.”

“Mother did?”

“Remember that she said there might be some news for you soon? Something that she hinted about at our wedding?”

“I remember, but …” Isabel frowned. “What’s that got to do with the expedition? Mother doesn’t have the funds for herself, never mind paying for us to go to another continent.”

“That’s all down to her fiancé. He’s agreed to fund everything that we needed, and he’s also the one who gave that little extra.”