But she was saved from that when the door opened, and the butler came in, looking very much bemused.

“Misters Thomas and Richard Sidney to see the Duke of Galliston. Neither of them has an appointment.”

Galliston groaned.

“For goodness’ sake, I thought I told Sidney to keep away.”

“You did.” Richard appeared behind the servant, the tall frame of his brother just behind him. “And I think I’m going to ignore it.”


Richard was still shaking. They had travelled all day, taking several shortcuts, to get to London, and now they were face to face with Galliston. All of what Richard had planned to say got stuck in his throat. He and Thomas had devised a speech to put across that Isabel was better off with him than with the duke. But now, with the other man glaring at him, Richard didn’t want to go through with the speech.

He wanted to see Isabel.

Galliston snarled. As the butler left, he advanced across the room.

“You claim to be a smart man, Sidney, and yet you keep behaving in a very stupid manner.”

“That’s something I’ve been doing all my life.” Richard glanced at Thomas, who gave him a slight nod. “I want to see Isabel.”

“Out of the question. I told you that I wasn’t going to permit either of you to be in the same room again.”

“Last time I checked, you’re not Isabel’s father.”

“I’m soon to be her husband.”

Husband. Richard was beginning to hate seeing that linked with the man before him.

“Even as her husband, you can’t control who she can and can’t see. If you want to cut her off from all her friends, you can go right ahead, but that will just backfire on you.” He folded his arms. “And I’m not leaving until I’ve spoken to Isabel. We have unfinished business.”

Galliston’s face was red. He looked like he was about to have a fit.

“You’re not seeing her or speaking to her. Whatever ‘unfinished business’ you have will have to remain so.”

Thomas touched Richard’s arm.

“Your Grace, my brother is very stubborn. When he says something, he means it. Wouldn’t it be best just to humour him, and then we can lay everything to rest?”

Galliston snorted.

“Lay everything to rest? How do I know nothing happened up in the woods during that storm? For all I know, your brother is carrying on an affair under my nose.” He shoved Richard in the chest. “I’m not going to be a cuckold.”

Richard kept his footing and braced himself to fight back. He was not about to let anyone, not even a nobleman, touch him in such a manner. But Thomas grabbed his arm and shook his head. Then he carefully nudged Richard behind him and faced the duke.

“Your Grace, the sooner we get everything out, so we know where everyone stands, the better. Having animosity like this isn’t going to help anyone in the future. Perhaps we should sit down, lay it all out, and then move on from there.”

“Move on? I know where he’s moving on to.” Galliston pointed at Richard. “He’s going to gaol. The constable will have him removed.”

“Not until I speak to Isabel.”

“Over my dead body!”


Richard turned. Isabel was in the doorway, staring at him in bewilderment. His chest tightened at the sight of her. She still looked like she had been crying.

He started towards her, only for Galliston to grab his arm and yank him back, knocking him into Thomas.