Chapter 17

Richard was right. It didn’t take long for the storm to pass. Isabel hadn’t expected it to be as brief as it was; that didn’t often happen in their part of England. Devon was known for lots of downpours, especially closer to the coast. She had heard of multiple floods going on there as the sea level rose.

She was glad they didn’t live near the sea.

They couldn’t have been sitting in the folly long waiting for the rain to pass, but it felt like an eternity. Especially after what Richard had just confessed. Isabel didn’t know how to process it, the declaration of love turning over and over in her mind. It just left Isabel’s stomach in a mass of twisted knots.

This wasn’t meant to happen. In a dream world, she was meant to fall in love with a wealthy and handsome nobleman who would sweep her off her feet and take her to a place where she didn’t need to worry about anything ever again. She wasn’t meant to fall for a gentleman who barely had anything to his name and spent all his time buried in his books and talking about things that would not be appropriate or exciting in polite Society.

But that’s what you prefer, isn’t it? You prefer the penniless gentleman who sees the real you than the wealthy nobleman who could give you what you need.

But what do I really need? What do I actually want?

Money, position, and security didn’t mean anything if Richard wasn’t part of the equation. Isabel realized that with a sinking heart, but she knew that couldn’t happen. And that hurt her even more.

When the rain finally stopped, Richard was the first to move, getting up abruptly from the floor and stepping out onto the muddy path. He turned to her.

“Looks like the worst of it has passed. We can head back to the house.”

“All right.” Isabel picked up her basket and checked it. Everything seemed to be there. “Let’s go.”

“Do you need any help?”

Richard was watching her earnestly. Isabel wished it didn’t make her want to jump into his arms. She gulped and shook her head.

“No, I’ll be fine. I can manage.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m …”

Isabel squealed as she put a foot onto the path and slipped, her feet going out from under her. Then Richard grabbed her and pulled her against him, an arm wrapped around her waist as he snagged the basket from her hand. He gave her a wry smile.

“You were saying?”

“I …”

Isabel tried to think but having his arm around her and feeling that hard, firm body up against hers made her light-headed. Richard grunted and eased her away from him.

“Hold onto me. It’s going to be a little boggy on the way back to the house. We don’t want you getting stuck, do we?”

“What about my basket? I didn’t lose anything, did I?”

Richard looked into the basket, his mouth moving as he counted each plant and herb nestled inside.

“No, everything’s there. I think you’ll be able to save a few lives with these.”

“That’s not amusing, Richard.”

“It wasn’t meant to be.” Richard squeezed her hand. “Come on. I’ll look after you.”

Isabel didn’t doubt that. He had always looked after her. Even when they were children, he made sure she was all right. It wasn’t until now that she really appreciated it.

Why did she have to find love at the wrong time?

They walked back to the house in silence, Isabel concentrating on trying not to fall over. Even though the storm had been brief, it had been thorough. Things were turned into mud, and it squelched under her feet. She was really not wearing the right shoes for this. But Isabel had to admit that the smell right after it rained, the crisp, clear scent, was worth being outside at this time. She took in several breaths, letting the smell invade her head.

You couldn’t get something like this in London. Devon was just a unique place that anyone would be a fool to leave.