Chapter 13

Isabel had been excited when Galliston asked if she wanted to accompany him to an exhibition that was to raise money for an expedition. He had taken her around art galleries or for walks in the park, but it was hard to keep up her enthusiasm for them. Now this exhibition was perfect, just what she needed.

Being a lady was harder than she expected. While Isabel knew it was necessary, and she was desperate to fit in, it was difficult to bring up any joy in it. Every time she was with the duke, she found herself thinking about what she could be doing that was more interesting.

Like going exploring in the parks for what type of birds they had, looking for rabbit warrens or seeing if the park had an abundance of squirrels. Isabel did love squirrels. But that wasn’t exactly something she could bring up with Galliston.

She needed to remember her place.

Her mother was right. She had overdone it by throwing herself into Society. Lady Blythcourt might have been pleased about it, but Lady Dunley was correct in that Isabel was beginning to lose herself. That was not a good thing for her. Her clumsiness whenever she got something wrong and her ability to laugh it off made her endearing, but unable to discuss topics she loved was getting annoying.

Fitting in felt brilliant, but there was a part of Isabel that wanted to just be herself. And after her mother expressed her concern, she could feel herself slipping back again. Not a good thing if she wanted to be considered the belle of the ball. The moment she started talking in detail about the history of the butterfly, people were going to walk away.

Isabel couldn’t afford that.

At least the duke had fallen for her new persona. He had proposed, and he was promising to make her a duchess. A duchess! Isabel had been hoping for that, but to have her first proposal from a duke was incredible. It had taken all of Isabel’s composure not to scream and jump around the room. This was what they needed to get their finances in order. They could pay everything off and live comfortably once she was married to Galliston.

He was much older than her, closer to her mother’s age, which did give her pause for thought. But he was handsome. That would make things easier. Isabel could manage an older man if he were good-looking.

Tonight, she should have been happy. She was going to be a duchess in a few weeks. But the moment she saw Richard, she felt her good mood disappearing. The sight of him looking at her, the sadness in his eyes, had made her pause. Isabel didn’t like Richard being upset.

And now he was gone. Isabel turned away from a statue she and the duke were perusing and looked for him, but Richard had vanished. The crowd wasn’t that big, so he should have been easy to pick out.

Where was he?

“Is something wrong, darling?”

“Hmm?” Isabel turned back to Galliston, who was frowning at her. “What?”

“You look like you’re searching for someone.”

“Oh.” Isabel hadn’t realized she had been obvious. Clearing her throat, she managed a smile. “Forgive me, dear; I was trying to take everything in.”

Galliston didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t argue. Lady Dunley touched her daughter’s arm.

“Darling, do you need to take a moment? You’re looking rather flushed.”

“I ... I think I do.” Isabel made herself sway a little. “It’s warmer than I thought in here.”

“Steady there, Isabel.” Galliston held onto her as Isabel swayed a bit too much. “You’re going to end up on the floor. Maybe you should go and get some air.”

“I’ll take her.” Lady Dunley took Isabel’s arm. “We won’t be long, Your Grace.”

“I’ll be talking to Professor Ainsley when you come back.” Galliston brushed his fingers over Isabel’s arm. “Don’t take too long, darling.”

Isabel didn’t respond. She just pretended to lean on her mother as she was led from the room. Once they were out of the room, she straightened up.

“Thank you, Mother.”

“I noticed you were getting a little distracted, so I thought a moment to gather your thoughts might help.” Lady Dunley peered at her. “Are you all right, Isabel?”

“I’m fine. I think I just need a moment alone.” Isabel gave her mother a bashful smile. “My fault for not eating much at tea.”

Lady Dunley grunted.

“I see. I’ll give you a moment outside, and then I’ll come and find you. A bit of air should put some proper colour in your cheeks.”

Isabel hoped so. She couldn’t be at an exhibition that she had been eager to see and not focus on her future husband. Galliston didn’t deserve that. She hurried outside, feeling the still warm air tickle her skin. Going around the corner, so she was out of sight of the other guests, Isabel leaned on the wall and closed her eyes. She really needed to concentrate. She had only been given the proposal the day before. Galliston could take it back just as quickly if she didn’t keep on her toes. When she had spoken to one of the explorers, her old self had slipped out, and Galliston had been rather confused. He hadn’t heard her like this, and Isabel had felt ashamed. He liked that she could speak about many subjects, but he hadn’t heard her throw herself into such a topic with enthusiasm.