“Of course it’s going to go well. The guests here are people who are genuinely interested. We don’t have riff-raff here.” Ainsley beamed. “We’ll be having the money coming in so fast we won’t be able to keep up, I guarantee it.”

Richard hoped so, and he also hoped that Ainsley’s intense enthusiasm wasn’t misplaced. If they didn’t get anyone to foot the bill for them to go to Africa, they would be stuck, and Richard wanted this to go well for his employer. He had worked incredibly hard on it. If Richard were wealthy, he’d be putting his entire fortune towards this man.

Who wouldn’t with a mind like Professor Ainsley’s?

There was another reason why Richard was nervous. He had seen the guest list, and he knew that the Duke of Galliston would be here. He had also seen who the duke would be escorting. Isabel Moore.

She was Galliston’s guest. She was going to be here tonight.

Richard wanted her to see what he had been a part of. He knew she would be delighted. Even if she were trying to be more refined and be a part of polite Society, she wouldn’t be able to hide her joy at seeing all this. Richard knew Isabel well enough to know there was no hope of stemming enthusiasm from her once she got going.

He couldn’t wait to see her face light up when she saw the exhibits.

But there was also a part of him that was upset. She was coming with Galliston. Somehow, the two of them had met in the last few weeks since Isabel had arrived, and it had to be serious between them if Isabel was being escorted here. They had to be courting. What could Isabel see in a man like Galliston? Richard couldn’t see anything charming, except maybe he was good-looking.

And wealthy. That was probably why Isabel was being courted by him. He was wealthy, and that was what she needed for a future husband. She wouldn’t be looking for anything less.

And I’m as far the other way as you could possibly get.

Richard pushed that away. He knew he shouldn’t think like this, but he couldn’t stop himself from remembering that kiss in the park. A liberty to take that in such a public place, he knew that, but Richard wasn’t about to regret it. He had the urge, and he was going to take it. And Isabel hadn’t disappointed. It was a shame they couldn’t stay together for longer.

Isabel was right to hurry away, and it was no surprise Richard hadn’t seen her since. Not that he knew where she lived right now or that she knew where he was. But it wouldn’t have taken much to find out where Professor Ainsley was, and then she would find Richard. And yet, things were silent.

Perhaps, he could see her tonight, and they could talk. If Richard could get her away from Galliston. From what Ainsley had said about him, the duke was one of those people who liked others to know what his property was. And he would be thinking of Isabel as property.

She didn’t deserve that. She deserved someone who understood her, who didn’t treat her like a piece of furniture. Someone who liked how she was without having to change her.

Unfortunately, that person wasn’t going to be him.


Richard turned, breaking into a smile when he saw Cohen hurrying across the room towards him. His old tutor gave him a beaming smile and grasped Richard’s outstretched hand.

“I’m glad you could get here, Cohen. I was beginning to worry that you wouldn’t arrive in time.”

“Of course I would, even if I had to crawl.” Cohen laughed. “Anything to see how my old pupil is doing. And, I must say, from what I’ve seen walking in, this is going to be a success.”

“Have you not looked around already? I thought you would have done that.”

“And not see my favourite student first?”

Richard grinned. He did feel better having Cohen here. As soon as he knew when the exhibition would be held, he had written to Cohen, begging him to come and see what they had done. He knew his tutor would be delighted to see everything, and Richard wanted the older man to be proud of him.

Although he had worried that Cohen wouldn’t get here. The journey from Devon to London was long and arduous, and the weather hadn’t been that kind lately. But Cohen was a man who could get anything he wanted, including getting to a destination. His determination was remarkable on so many levels.

Richard felt like a son puffing up his chest for his proud father.

“And Professor!” Cohen turned his beaming grin to Ainsley and stuck out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again. Thank you again for taking Richard on. I hope he’s proving to be a good assistant.”

“Very invaluable, Mr Cohen.” Ainsley smiled. “His enthusiasm goes a bit further than his motivation, but it’s refreshing to have him around.”

Cohen laughed.

“That’s been Richard his whole life. He wants to do all these things, but it’s getting him moving that was my problem, especially when he was a child.”

Richard flushed.

“Cohen, please!”