Chapter 20

Isabel couldn’t believe it. She had not expected Richard to turn up. Not like this. After she had been led away by Galliston, Isabel didn’t think she would see him in person again.

She had already made up her mind on what she needed to do, but the sight of Richard in front of her had her wavering.

“I …” She swallowed. “I don’t understand. What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to stop you from marrying the wrong man.”

“But ... you know I must marry him!”

Richard barked out a harsh laugh that made Isabel jump.

“Why? Because you need the money?”

“It’s what we’re supposed to do, Richard. You know that.”

“And what about afterwards. Are you going to be able to love Galliston?” Richard stepped towards her. “Will you submit to him as his wife?”


Why did that word make her shiver? Richard shook his head.

“He will make you submit. He will turn you into the woman you’re not. You deserve so much better than that.”

Isabel planted her hands on her hips and glared at him.

“And you think you can do better than him? You believe you’re a better option as a husband?”

“Yes. I do.”

There was a finality about his words. He had already made up his mind. Isabel had never heard him sound so confident. She swallowed.

“You do realize that you and I ... we’re not of the same social standing.”

“Do you really care about that?” Richard cupped her face in his hands. “Because I don’t. I never have.”

“Richard …”

Then he was kissing her, soft and sweet, and yet it was so hungry. Isabel’s resolve melted away, and she found herself returning the kiss. She wanted – no, needed – to take as much as she could get.

“I love you, Isabel,” Richard said when he broke the kiss, breathing heavily. “And that is all that I care about right now. The expedition can go to hell, for all I care. I want you in my life. The thought of you being married to a man who can hold funding over my head and keep you away from me is not how I envisioned my future. I saw a lot of things, but that was not one of them.”

“How do you suggest we go about it, then?”

Isabel held her breath. She wanted to hear him say it. If Richard did, then it would make up her mind. But only if Richard actually said what she needed to hear.

He brushed her hair away from her face, his expression softening.

“Marry me. Become my wife. I know I’m not rich, and I can’t really give you a title, but I can give you happiness, adventure, love. All the things you’ve said that you want with a marriage. What you really want in life. Money and wealth mean nothing if you’re not happy, and I know I can make you happy. But only if you agree to it.”

Only if she agreed to it. Isabel knew if she said no and she would marry Galliston, Richard would be a gentleman and step away. He would leave her alone, and they could get on with their lives. But that would only make the two of them miserable. Isabel couldn’t bear to break Richard’s heart.

Not when that was what she truly wanted.

“I was going to go through with the marriage,” Isabel hurried on as Richard’s face fell. “To begin with. That was my plan.”

“Plan?” Richard frowned. “What sort of plan involved getting married to a man you don’t care about?”