“Of course, go right ahead. I will be by the horses when you return.”

Aaron walked away, putting the air back into his lungs. He was unsure of what he was going to do. He had come a long way to speak about the job, and going back home seemed like a worse option.

But taking the job felt more like a trap at that point. He could see the rest of his life play out before him if he said yes. He would start out driving the carriage, doing the same thing day in and day out for a man who most likely would not give a damn about him. After a decade of doing that, he may marry someone he would just settle with out of loneliness. Maybe they would have a few kids, and he would struggle to put food on their table. Eventually, he would become head of the stables but feel as though he did not live up to his full potential. All the adventures and travelling he wanted to do would be non-existent because he would be tied to driving the carriage every day. The whole notion of that life terrified him.

“What would you like? I have apples, pears, bananas, and they’re all fresh.” The fruit salesman asked him. The walk from the stable to the stand had been far quicker than he thought, which didn’t bode well for his future driving to and from the Hardon house.

“I will take an apple, thank you.”

Aaron watched the man go for the apple, wipe it off with water, use a rag to clean it, and then smile while handing it over to Aaron. He made cleaning an apple seem like some sort of melodic song.

After he paid him, he turned back around to ask the fruit salesman, “You seem like you enjoy what you do here. Do you have any regrets, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Regrets?” The man laughed. “I take it that you see this fruit stand and see some sort of boring, modest living—”

“No, no, actually quite the contrary. You seem rather free. I ask because I am at a crossroads on whether I should take a job or not. It is not what I see myself doing.”

“Then why do it? We all don’t know how long we are going to get to live. To answer your question, no, I do not have any regrets. I do not have a wife or have a family, but every day I am a man who chooses how he will live out the day. As much as I love serving those people in the Hardon house, I do not envy the stone walls that enslave them.”

Aaron nodded. “Have a great day.” And then he walked back to the stables. On the way back, Aaron had made up his mind. He would not take the job as the driver. He needed to find something that felt right to him, something that made the rest of his years in the world seem fruitful. And driving a carriage a few miles every day, was not it. He would go back home and figure out something new, a new plan that would deliver on his every dream.

Aaron reached Thomas while biting into his apple.

“You’re back great. Listen, I was thinking; you’re adept at working with horses, you know what you’re doing. I think that you can handle this job with ease. What do you say, do you want the job?”

Before Aaron could reject the offer, he spotted a stunning brunette girl who was plainly dressed, walking alongside another woman. She had been the most beautiful person that he had ever seen, so attractive that he could not look away. The way she carried herself, with her chin held high, she had either come from the Hardon house or was going back to it. Either way, Aaron felt the need to know her.

“That is great to hear. I will let the Earl know promptly.”

Aaron looked at Thomas and realized that he had taken the job while being distracted by the beautiful woman. But that was okay, she gave him a reason to work there. In any case, it was too late to refuse.

“Glad to work here, Thomas, thank you. By the way, who is that girl over there?”