The dress was of pale ice blue silk, the bodice lefther delicateshoulders bare, clinging to her bosom and waist, while the fashionably full skirts cascaded to her matching ice blue slippers.

The dress itself was wholesome and nothing was showing, but at the same time it looked so diaphanous that he kept wondering what movement would let something slip. The dress was lovely… if a tad daring.

The marked pause in his conversation had the lady smiling and turning around in place to make the skirts flutter around her. “It is a wonderful construction is it not? Mymodisteis a genius with tantalizing fabrics.”

“I must agree.” Isaac titled his head to study the fall of the gown. “It is wonderous.”

“So, what brings you by? A hunt for a fitting Duchess, I assume?” Lady Auclair asked with her delicate brows inching up.

He snorted. “Hardly. I was againlured out into the clutchesle beau mondeby Lord Ashford. I have to got to learn how to say no to him oneday.”

“You probably will not,” she remarked while reaching for a glass of champagne.

“I probably will not,” Isaac agreed. “Ashford is my only tether to society, so I think it best not to burn that bridge.”

She placed her flute on the table.“Dance with me.”

“Are you always this forthright?” Isaac mentioned even as he extended his arm and led her tothe dance floor.

“With friends, yes.” Lady Auclair gave him a brilliant smile. “On other occasions, I tend to take the slyer approach.”

“As is the inbred skill of your gender,” Isaac remarked as the introduction to the waltz flowed through the air.

“My Lord,” Lady Auclairgave an exaggerated gasp. “Are you a cynic?”

“Was I being too subtle?” Isaac parried back as they beganto dance.“Perhaps I should come with a sign hung around my neck saying beware, or a mark on my back noting that I am a skeptic. Now that I think of it, I should make it a staple in my wardrobe. It would save me a lot of trouble.”

Her gay laugh drew attention from all around them; clearly, everyone was wondering what he had said to amuse herand her humor even eked a smile from Isaac.

He felt no tension with this lady, she was not in the leastangling for a relationship with him other than friendship and it placed him at ease. He had no doubt that she was going to make a lovely wife forsomeone—just not him. Louisa had already stolen his heart.

The dance ended and Isaac returned her to the seats at the edgeof the floor and kissed her gloved hand. “I had a delightful time with you.”

“That sounds like a farewell,” Lady Auclair’s brow inched up. “You are not leaving, are you?”

“It crossed my mind, yes,” Isaac shrugged. “I can only take these social gatherings by increments.”

“…Isaac? Isaac Montagu? Is that you?” Helena’s sweet voice shot a jab of iron into his spine, and he straightened with his face now washed clean of all expression.

Lady Auclair’s delicate brows lifted at the sudden resurgence of his stoic face, but Isaac could not mind her as he turned to face his ex-fiancée.She was the picture of the demure debutante in her fawn silk ballgown, her platinum tresses piled high and pinned away from her artificiallywonderedeyes, extended by the dark pigment lining her eyes.

“Miss Follet,” Isaac said calmly, and a little coldly. “Nice to see you again.”

She gave him a saccharine smile.“Are you here alone? Is there a lady I should congratulate on coaxing you out of your cocoon or…?”

“I came here with Lord Ashford,” Isaac returned.

“Ah,” she nodded her head sagely. “The social-savant has worked his magic again. Would it be too much to ask for us to take a turn around the room?”

Isaac felt that there was more to her words thanshe had said, but he did not have a guide-book to decode her cryptic message. Lady Auclair, who had moved away from them, but was still in earshot, met his eyes over her shoulder.

“A turn around the room?” he asked, and his tone was laden with confusion. “Why would I want to do that?”

Lady Auclair rolled her eyes and over Helena’s shoulder, she mouthed,“She wants to dance.”

“Oh—oh, a turn…” Isaac said, thendropped his voice. “Are you sure that is wise, Miss Follet?”

Her head canted to the side.“We are somewhat friends, are we not? Would you refuse such a simple offer? I know you are a gentleman, Isaac, a reluctant hidden one, but one,nonetheless.For old time’s sake, Isaac.”

For old time’ssake? What is up your sleeve, Helena?