The soft whisper woke him, and he slanted his eyes to half-mast.“Yes, Louisa?”

“Where am I?” she asked while pulling away from him and he let her.

She sat up and looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings; the large four-poster bed and the dark velvet hangings draped around it. He traced her gaze as it landed on his chest of drawers, the large oval mirror, and the wingbacks scattered around the tall bow windows.

Louisa then turned to him. “I am in your quarters?”

“Yes,” Isaac said. “It was quite late last night, and you fell asleep on me in the library. I could not attempt to find your rooms and leaving you in the library was out of the question, so I carried you here.”

I want to see her here a lot more, in bed with me.

To his surprise, Louisa sank back to the sheets. “What time is it? I know that I should be preparing for the day, but…”

His hand brushed her hair from her eyes. “But what, sweetheart?”

“I like being with you,” Louisa replied. “For as long as I can be here. I know it’s not much, but—” she placed her head on his arm“—if only for a few moments.”

He dropped a leisurely kiss on her collarbone and another butterfly-soft kiss on her skin. A bloom of tingling heat blossomed through his nerves as his warm lips brushed the pulse at the side of her throat. “I would like that too.”

A soft shudderingbreath tempted him to move to her mouth and while bracing her face with one hand, he slanted his lips over hers. His tongue traced hers with tantalizing promise, and when she opened for him, his tongue swept inside her mouth, starting asensualdance of advance and retreat.

Louisa’s mouth was warm and inviting, and her felt shivers of pleasure spread run through her body.He took his time, nibbling and licking, making the one kiss into ahundredendless, drugging kisses. At some point, his body was over her, and his weight was pressing her into the softness of his mattress.

One of her hands snaked up the length of his back and her fingers sank into his shoulder. His free hand found her other and their fingerslaced tight while the kiss deepened. Temptation slammed against the iron-girded walls of control inside Isaac’s mind—it would be so easy to have her, to have all of her.

But no—Louisa deserved more than a quick romp in the streets, so he pulled away to caress her face. “I wish you could stay here, but that is impossible. And you should be going to your rooms now so you will not raise any suspicions.”

A soft heavy sigh left her. “I know.”

She levered herself off the bed and found the apron that Isaac had untied last night. He found her slippers before she did and instead of handing them to her, knelt and put themon her feet himself. When he looked up, Louisa’s cheeks were red and her eyes wide in awe.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she whispered, while dropping a hand on his face.

Instead of answering, Isaac stood and kissed her. “You should be going.”

She nodded and with only one look back over her shoulder,slipped away. Pleased, Isaac turned to his bed, knowing that one day, Louisa would be staying there, permanently. He knew what he wanted, but would Louisa ever come around?