Chapter Fourteen

The moment Louisa closed the library’s door, she was swept up in Isaac’s arms, and his kiss warm, and fervent soon came after. He moved them to the wingback and sat, pulling her onto his lap to straddle his thighs.

His tongue delved into her mouth like a starving man, and he feasted on her lips. Aroused as well, she let him take all he needed andthen encouraged him to take away all he wanted. When she shyly licked his tongue, a deep guttural groan left his mouth.

His broad hand slipped to her backside and squeezed hard, making Louisa gasp a little. He tugged her directly over himself and she could feel tangible proof his arousal.

“I-Isaac,” she moaned his name while her fingers speared through his thick hair. “Isaac, please.”

“Please what, darling?” He moved his mouth to her ear. “Tell me what you want.”

“I—I…” She pulled away and cupped his face with both hands. He saw arousal in her eyes. Herpupils had extended to dark craters in her eyes, leaving only a rim of brown. She licked her swollen lips, and she saw how his eyes darted to them with hunger.

“Isaac,” she said kindly, her gaze now more considerate than lustful. “Are you all right?”

He laid hands atop hers and held her eyes. Like a lightning strike—it struck her,and it was all clear now. The feelings she had for Isaac were not passing fantasies, or any sort of dalliance. Not that it was…was it love? From the way he was looking at her, it very well could be.

“I am,” he said, hoarsely. “I just need you, Louisa.”

Placingher palm against his hard jaw, she said. “Isaac, what I am about tell you is only for me. You are under no obligation to reply in kind. I—I have feelings for you, Isaac. I know how foolish it sounds coming from me, a woman who had never loved a man before and if I were you, I wouldn't believe me either. But there itis,the truth."

His hands closed roughly on her shoulders. “You have feelingsfor me? Like what? Care, sympathy, lust?”

She bit her lip. “Iknow how reticent you are, or should be when someone utters the word love, but that is how I feel. Itstarted when you told me what you went through and it pains me to my soul that someone would have been malicious to hurt you like that, and to think of the agony you endured cute me deeply.”

Her thumbs stroked over his cheekbones. “Yet, even with those hurts, and all the pains in your past, you are still strong, and fearless. You’ve managed to crawl out of the malaise and become strong. You are a man I admire and, yes,love. You needn’t say it back,I just need you to know.”

He made to say something, but she stopped him.

“Wait, I'm not finished, there’s more.” She rested a soft hand on his chest, right over his heart and felt the hard, rhythmical beats beneath her palm. “And being held by you, being in your arms is the most perfect and peaceful place I've ever been.”

Isaac did not speak,but his eyes flashed fire. He stood, and undid her hair, the lifted her by her arms and under her knees and carried her to a couch. He gently laid her down and the covered her body with his.He slid a knee between her legs and braced his elbows on either side of her body.

Withthe fingers of his right hand buried in her hair, he took her lips in a hot, demanding kiss. Louisa opened herself to him to accept his lustful kisses and ardor. Her fingers clung to his shirt while his other handgripped her bottom, pulling her tight against him.

She blushed fiercely as the feel of his muscular form, his hard, granite chest and his erect member pressing into her thighs. The more he kissed her, the more her woman’s place throbbed. When Isaac’s knee inched up between her legs, and shefound herself aching and shockingly wet.

“I-Isaac,” she keened as his hand found her breast.

“Yes, my sweet?” he asked hoarsely.

“I—” She squirmed, and flushed red all from her neck tothe tips of her ears.The words formed on her lips. “I…I’m wet, Isaac. You know…there.”

His eyes met hers and they were dark with lust. “Do you trust me, Louisa?”

“Yes,” she repliedinstantly. “Yes, of course.”

He kissed under her ear.“Let me touch you, please.”

“You already are—” She stopped as she caughtonto what he meant. “—you meanthere.”

“Yes, there,” he said. “It will be pleasurable, I promise you.”

Her head feel back on the arm of the couch, and she squirmed.“Please.”

“But first…” Isaac said as he went to the tails of her dress and lifted it to her waist. “I want to give you much more. Sit up.”

She did so and with a small lift of her bottom, the dress was lifted off her body. In her thick smock, Louisa felt the need to cover her barely fettered breasts. His eyes traced over her, thickly and slowly likewarm, sweet molasses.