Thankfully, she got to her rooms without a soul coming across her, and she closed the door behind her. She leaned against it for awhile, thankful that no one had discovered her—but the enormity of what had happened between her and Isaac barely an hour ago crashed over her when she took off her dress.

A very faint circle rested around her nipple,and a shudder ran right through her at the memory of the untamed bliss he had wrung out of her body. Her body plunked down on the side of the bed as residual shivers randomly struck through her.

Living in an orphanage had not sequestered her away from the harshness and reality of life—she knew what lovemaking was. Louisahad not thought she would experience it any time soon. Especially not with a man of Isaac’s stature. She disrobed and washed quickly while still feeling Isaac’s touch on her body.

After slipping into bed, Louisa held her pillow close as her mind rested on Isaac. She hoped, dearly hoped, that somehow when he did break her heart, she would not suffer the way he had.


A few days later, Louisa found herself at the Winston Estate, waiting for Amelia to come out. They both had trips to the town to pick up some odds and ends for their respective houses, and she waited at the end of the back porch for Amelia to join her.

She had not seen much of Isaac in the past three days,and after she had served his morning meal, he was off all day. He had not mentioned that night, so Louisa had not brought it up either. At first, she wondered if it was because he still had not fully internalized their sensual interaction. He had not been with a woman in a while, and she could understand that.

But as the days went by with no mention of it, and even worse with him gone from sunrise to sunset, it had begun to smart a little. Was he avoiding her on purpose, or did he have a legitimate business that he had to attend to?Either way, his avoidance was hurting.

Straying to a flower-bush, Louisa flitted her fingertips over the silky petals while she waited. Isaac had a life ahead of him that Louisa knew she could not join.

So why do I keep going back to what I know will hurt me?

“With how you are studying that flower, are you memorizing it to draw later on?” Amelia teased.

Liberally rolling her eyes, Louisa turned to her mischievouslygrinning friend and huffed quietly. “You know I have no skill in art, Amelia.Stop teasing.”

Her friend lopped her arm with Louisa’s. “No harm intended, dear. Are we ready to head off?”

In response, Louisa lifted her basket. They left to the back path and eventually looped around the front entrance and saw the Lord of the manor’s carriage driving off. A tall man, in plain clothes,began to make his way to them.

During his stride, he reached up and plucked his hat off, revealing a head of unruly brown hair and a square face spattered with soft freckles. Amelia nearly stumbled in her stride, and when Louisa looked over, her friend's face was as red as a freshly cut beet.

The man rested his hat back on his head and smiled, “G’morning, Miss Johnson and Miss. How are you doing this morn?”

“Quite well, Alfie,” Ameliareplied. “This is my friend, Miss Louisa Stone. She works at the Westwood Estate just down the way. How are you?”

He stuck his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “As fine as stable hand can be. Are you two off to the town?”

“Yes,we are,” Amelia added.

“Well then, safe journey.” Alfie dipped his head in a bow. “I’ll see you at supper, Miss Johnson.”

As they walked off,Amelia said, “I had meantto introduce you two one day. I think he would be a good man for you, Louisa, and he is so handsome too.”

“I appreciate the thought, Amelia,” Louisa said. “I truly do, but I am not in the way of forming a relationship now. And besides, I think he is more interested in you anyway.”

“What’s wrong?” Amelia asked as she switched from a happier disposition to feeling sympathy for Louisa. “Did something happen between you and His Grace?”

Unable to hide anything from her friend, Louisa nodded. “More than one thing. We have kissed a few times and a few nights ago,we got intimate. Not to the point of congress, but we did some… other things.”

“Louisa…” Amelia’s tone had slipped to a warning lilt. “Have you thought about how this is going to end? It might be lovely now—”

“I know,” Louisa said. “I know it will only end with a broken heart, most likely mine. And I know it makes no sense to keep going back to what I know will only hurt me in the end—but I cannot keep away. Just…pray that when things do break off, I will not be too devastated.”

“If you want to talk about it…” Amelia offered.

“I would rather not,” Louisa ended, as her stomach was threatening to fall to her feet. “Not now, please.”

“All right,” Amelia said kindly. “Just know that you will have a listening ear in me when you do want to talk about it.”