Skimming his eyes over the toasted bread, coddled eggs, sausages, and diced fruitwith little hunger, he replied, “I am not a hermit.”

“Really?” William pressed, his warm eyes now getting sharp, “When was the last time you went to an assembly hall? A theatre play? A musicale? When was the last time you set foot into Whites? Went hunting?”

“Theatre plays are from books thatI’d rather read, musicales are tedious, White’s is only more of the same, one drinks, and one plays cards. And you know the abhorrence I have for hunting,” Isaac replied.

“What about women, courtship, marriage?” William pressed. “By God, man, you have a life, if you sequester yourself away, you’re only going to survive? Life should be lived to the fullest, Montagu.”

“Perhaps,” Isaac said.“That man used to find fulfillment in such actives, but that part of me died eighteen months ago. We all sacrifice something, Langley, a social life was not that much to give up when I realized that my duties took precedence. I grew self-reliant and responsible, and it shows. The Dukedom has never been more prosperous.”

While William fixed his plate, he asked. “The Dukedom might be, but are you? At this point, I think you have it set in your mind to live and die alone.”

Putting his finished cup away, Isaac asked, “And what is so terrible about that notion?”

Faltering with his fork halfway to his mouth, William gaped, “W-What is so terrible? Have you lost your mind, man? Women are god’s gift to humankind, and you are going to dismiss it just because some woman betrayed you? She is the one who did the wrong, not you!”

He felt no urge to eat and folded his arms across his chest; his eyes dropped to half-mast.“I was invested into the relationship, you know that.”

“And you can be again,” William pressed, “There is a late summer ball at Lady Crossgrove’s estate.Come with me. I promise you,it will not be horrible. Some of the seasons best debutants will be there.”

Scoffing, Isaac reached for the paper, “Naïve ingénues? What in the world would I do with such a lady?”

“You can start to believe that not all women are unfaithful and treacherous,” William said. “And with some hope, one will catch your eye and you will consider courting.”

Shaking the paper out, Isaac said, “Stop putting the cart before the horse.”

“Will you come?” William asked.

Folding a corner of the paper down, Isaac dourly said, “You will not stop asking, will you?”

“No,” William replied, his eyebrows inching up in expectancy.

Grimacing at the thought of being around the crème-de-la-crème of London, and being judged by them, Isaac grimaced. “I have one stipulation about this, if I go, you will not ask me to attend another.”

“You are going then,” William grinned.

“I did not saythat,” Isaac stressed. “You must agree to my condition before I give you my final answer.”

Reaching for his napkin, William wiped his mouth.“SinceI already know the answer, yes, I agree not to pressure you into another ball, until you are ready to do it yourself.”

“And what makes you think that will happen?” Isaac lips downturned.

“Because, when you realize what you have been missing for over a year, you will crave it like no other,” William said triumphantly.

The door was pulled open, and both his and William’s head snapped to it, only for him to see Louisa jerk in her step. She was holding an empty tray, and instantly her face went flaming red. “I-I am so sorry, Your Grace and My Lord, I was sent thinking that you h-had finished. I apologize, p-please excuse me.”

She curtsied and scurried away from the door, closing in with a quick snap, and slowly, Isaac turned to William. It took a moment for what just happened to sink, andtheimage of her vivid bushing cheeks, stirred something inside him.

“Hmmm,” William said while turning his head away.“What a peculiar little mouse.”

Somehow, Isaac found the moniker both insulting and fitting for Louisa, but he could not deal with that issue then. “All right, Langley, I will go to this ball of yours.”

“Great,” William nodded.“You will not regret it, I promise you.”

“I think you forgot to add, and may God have mercy upon my soul,” Isaac dryly added.