“Ah,” Isaac nodded. “And what sort of Lord does your mother have in mind for you?”
She was not coy.“A man of your stature, Your Grace.”
“There are only twelve me of my rank,” Isaac said. “And most of them are married. I can only advise you, My Lady, thatit would not do you well to set your sights on me; my situation is rather complicated.”
“A shame,” Lady Auclair sighed.“You would have done perfectly in Mama’s book.”
“I am sorry,” Isaac replied.
“There is nothing to be sorry for,” she said.“You are either available or not. No matter of fancifulness will make up for that.”
Stunned by her frankness, Isaac replied, “You are incredibly prudent and pragmatistic, My Lady. Rarely have I found a young lady as wise as you are.”
“Perhaps you have been looking in the wrong places.” she smiled as the dance music dwindled to a close.
Stepping back, Isaac bowed, and after she curtsied, he took her arm.“Shall I take you back to your companion or to the refreshment tables?”
“My companion, please,” she replied.
While crossing the floor, Isaac bit back a curse.“How remiss of me, My Lady; you are, without a doubt, one of most beautiful women here.”
Her head cocked and a smile flirted at her lips.I know.”
A burst of unexpected laugher slippedfrom Isaac, and he did not care that it drew attention to him. He walked with her back to her seat and bowed. “I do hope that you find the right Lord, My Lady.”
“Good evening, Your Grace.” she inclined her head.
With a nod to her maid, Isaac left to find William; he felt his time was done at the ball, and though it was not as bad as he had feared, he knew it was time to leave.
He found William in the card room upstairs from the foyer, as he was about to partner for a game of whist, and the moment his friend’s gaze met his, William let out a beleaguered sigh.“Could you not wait until dinner?”
“I think you know me better than that,” Isaac said dryly.
William rubbed his forehead, then gave a smile.“At least you came at all. Thank you.”
“It was enjoyable, but it’s not for me,” Isaac replied.
“Or mayhap, it might grow on you if you gave it a chance,” William suggested, with his brows at his hairline.
“You are a hound with a bone, aren’t you,” Isaac snorted.“We’ll see.”
After shaking William’s hand, Isaac headed back down and, after sending for his carriage, hopped into it with a long breath of relief. He plucked his timepiece from this jacket and checked the time—it was nearly one in the morning, and he knew that the bell he left would probably not be over until dawn.
Lady Auclair had been a surprising shift from the vacant, superficial women he knew were in the ton, but while she had been amusing and a distraction from his worries, he knew he would never see her again.
With his head falling back on the headrest, Isaac felt himself smiling— he had braved one fear and had proven Louisa’s words about not letting her past define her to be true. But the question was, could he exorcise the worst sections of his past so quickly?
And the worst one—that of my heartbreak, can that ever be set right, or am I doomed to live with it?